Chapter Twenty Two

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"Come on lets get out of here!" my mother said picking up my bag, I followed her slowly behind on my crutches as ashley walked next to me holding the arm with the cast on. "Ahh fresh air never felt so good" I said breathing in the crisp morning breeze, "its definately better than that stuffy hospital" ashley answered as she helped me into the car.

After about 10 minutes the car pulled up outside our house and gary climbed out to open the door, "thanks gary" I said hopping onto the sidewalk. "Thats ok sir" he replied smiling, "are you sure you guys are going to be ok?" my mother asked. "Yes mom we'll be fine ok" I answered, "ok well i'll come see you in a couple of days ok" my mother said hugging us both. Ashley handed my bag to the doorman as she helped me towards the lift, I held my breath as the door opened. "Are you ok with the lift?" she asked, "yeah" I answered quietly as we stepped inside.

Once we reached our floor ashley unlocked the door and we headed inside, the house was trashed completely. "What the hell?!" ashley yelled stepping on a piece of glass, "has anything been taken?" I asked. "No I dont think so its just been wrecked she answered, there were shards of glass scattered over the floor. Chairs and tables were tipped upside down and everything was thrown to the floor.

"Shall we call the police?" I asked, "nah its probably just kids they will be long gone by now sit down and i'll tidy it" she said. "Nah I can help here i'll hold the dustpan while you sweep stuff into it" I answered holding it in front of me as ashley swept the glass into it. I tipped it into a box as ashley stood up the chairs and tables and picked up the stuff on the floor. "Well that was fun who would even do that?" ashley commented as we flopped onto the sofa after tidying everything.

"I dont know ash some idiot" I answered, "hmm oh annie rang she wants you to meet up with her I told her you werent about" ashley told me. "I'll ring her later I cant be bothered to meet her" I answered, "so want to order takeout tonight and watch movies?" ashley asked. "Yes that would be brilliant seriously im shattered" I answered, "me too for real" ashley said leaning against me as I put my good arm round her shoulders.

"Have a nap then im not going anywhere" I said as she nuzzled into me and fell asleep snoring quietly. Hours passed and I guessed I must have fallen asleep aswell because when I opened my eyes again it was dark outside. Ashley stirred and slowly woke up as she yawned and smiled, "hey" she said untangling herself from me and sitting up. "Hey you know we slept all day right?" I asked, "did we damn!" she said laughing.

"So are we getting takeout then?" I asked, "yep i'll go get pizza from up the road" she said pulling on her shoes. "Get cheese!" I said as she shrugged her coat on, "yeah yeah whatever" she said smiling. "Behave I wont be long ok" she said heading out of the door, I was left in silience. I watched tv for a bit then the doorbell rung, I figured it must have been ashley forgetting her keys as I went to answer it someone blonde turned round and smiled at me.

"Tommy?" I asked, "hey babe can I come in?" he asked as I stepped aside. "Thanks" he said as I pushed the door shut and he pushed me against it and kissed me, I was a little shocked at first but I relaxed againts him as his fingers tangled in my hair. "You know we really shouldnt be doing this" I said against his lips, "lets live dangerously" he whispered pulling me over to the sofa and gently pushing me onto it.

"You know adam ive missed these lips" he said running his fingers over my mouth. "Thats as may be but ashley will be home soon" I replied as he shushed me and carried on kissing me. "I dont care" he said, "tommy seriously" I told him as he pulled away. "What?" he questioned, "youre leaning on my ribs that kind of hurt you know" I said. "Oh shit im sorry I competely forgot" he said climbing off as I sat up.

"Its ok" I answered leaning back against the cushions, "would you like a drink?" I asked as he nodded. "Juice is fine thanks" he answered as I got up and ran the tap, I picked up a glass and almost dropped it. "Here let me help" tommy said rushing over and pouring blackcurrent juice into two glasses. He filled them with water, we sat back down as he picked up his glass. "You know your ass looks good in those jeans" I said as he choked on his juice and spilled it down his white t-shirt.

"Oh look what you made me do!!" he said as I laughed, "its not funny its going to stain" he said. "Well take it off then and you can use the washing machine, I have a top you can borrow" I said. "What so you can check out this mighty fine body" he teased, "oh yes totally nothing to do with the stain thats going to be on your top" I laughed. "Fine" he said pulling up his top, he has like a six pack or some shit now hot damn.

"Go and find a top in my room i'll stick this in the wash" I said holding up his top as someone banged on the door, I opened it as tommy appeared next to me pulling on the tshirt. "Shaun?" tommy said as I gasped.

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