Chapter Twenty

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"Adam hey dont you answer your damn phone?" ashley said practically yelling through the work telephone, "I forgot it its at home why?" I asked. "Ive just found it you have loads of texts and calls on it" she said. "Ashley just turn it off ok please just turn it off" I said deleting the emails on my computer, "why whats on it that you dont want anyone to see?" she asked. "Nothing just turn the damn thing off" I said, "fine its off ok now your mother rang shes meeting you tonight says shes taking you shopping for a suit or something" ashley told me.

I rolled my eyes "that stupid charity gala thing I cant even be asked with that" I sighed. "Well tough shes meeting you after work anyways laters babe oh yeah and dont forget to pick up your tablets" she said putting the phone down. An email from tommy popped up, "hey adam I hope you are ok. You need to know I miss you so much right now, the smell of your cologne and your soft hair. Perfect lips and stunning blue crystal clear eyes, I miss everything about you please dont throw it away over my mother" he had written.

My heart skipped a beat as I read it, I typed out a reply. "Ive been better to be honest, I miss you too and everything about you but its not just your mother" I sent it and went back to my work. He replied almost instantly " Whats wrong? Is everything ok? What do you mean by its not just my mother please tell me" he replied. "I dont know where to start tommy but its ok im dealing with it, everything is far from ok right now. Its just some creep stalking me who apparently knows you" I sent back.

"You can tell me anything, adam youre scaring me are you ill? I dont know anyone that would do that to you" he replied. I couldnt even be asked to deny it as I wrote a reply back "yes tommy I am, I dont want to scare you thats why im not telling you whats wrong. Yeah well its someone who knows you look im meant to be working please just drop it you dont need to worry about me anymore" I pressed send and sighed.

Later that day...

My mother is running late so im going to go and pick up my tablets, ashley brought my phone to me on her lunch even though I told her not to bother. Its getting dark now thats winter for you I suppose, I had a strange feeling someone was watching me. I could feel eyes glaring at me through the darkness as footsteps neared me. I walked faster as the footsteps drew closer I backed against the wall as an office worker strode past. He grumbled something as I rolled my eyes and headed into the pharmacy, once I was done I saw someone watching me.

Putting my head down I walked quickly towrds the park, It was lit by dim lamps as the person seemed to be following me. They were getting closer as I reached the gate, then they disapeared. I walked quicker as I neared my office as they appeared from an alleyway and tried to grab me, I ducked and ran across the road as I heard the squeal of brakes and a scream as a car knocked me to the ground before crashing into the kerb. I heard someone yelling my name as I fell and hit my head hard on the road. Pain radiated throughout my whole body as I tried to sit up but couldnt, "is he ok he just ran straight out I couldnt stop in time" a man asked stepping out from the car. "I dont know please call an ambulance" a womans voice said as I placed it to be my moms.

"Mom?" I whispered, "hey dont try and move sweetie your head is bleeding and you might have hurt your back the ambulance is on its way" she explained. Everything hurt as blood pooled around my head and a fog clouded my mind, I spotted the person who was following me he pulled down his hood and I recognised that face. "Stay awake adam please you need to stay awake!" my mom shouted hysterically. "I can't mom I need to sle.." I started as the fog decended and my eyes closed. I heard my mothers muffled shouts and the faint sound of sirens before I completely blacked out.

White, strong smelling, that face I know that face. I can see him, hes standing in the doorway laughing with tommy alseep in his arms. He doesnt need me now, the stranger he has a sharp object. Im screaming, hes getting closer the sharp object being stuck into my arm then hes gone and darkness fills the space.

I opened my eyes as white light temporarily blinds me, I can see shadows. My mom, dad, and ashley? "He's waking up" Ashley said as I shied away from the bright lights, "Where am I? What happened?" I said sleepily. "You're in the hospital Adam, you were hit by a car" my mother explained as I tried to sit up. "Dont try and sit up im going to go and find a nurse" my mom said, "I'll stay with him" ashley said as my mom nodded and left the room. My dad was asleep in the chair next to me and ashley perched on the end of the bed.

"So how are you feeling?" she questioned looking over at me. "Sore, and my head hurts" I answered leaning back into the pillow. "Well the morphine they gave you should help, plus the sedative" she replied, "sedative why would they give me that its not like I needed help sleeping" I said. "Cant you remeber? You went totally nuts, started screaming and kicking and then that set off all the machines they had to sedate you in the end just to calm you down" she explained.

"He has tommy ashley hes got him I know he has. He going to come for me aswell" I said as she gave me a funny look. "What are you going on about? Whos got tommy? Whos coming to get you?" she asked. "That crazy guy whos been following me, he chased me into the road he tried to kill me ashley hes watching and waiting" I said. "Ok adam I think youre a little delerious from all these drugs im going to go and see if I can find your mom and get a nurse" she said running out the door.

She appeared in the doorway a while later with my mother and a doctor, "I think hes lost it he keeps saying someone is coming to get him" ashley said. "Ok does he have any health problems?" the doctor asked shining a light in my eyes as I pulled away, "anxiety he has anxiety" my mother told her. "Ok where are his tablets I preume he has them?" she questioned placing a cold stephascope on my chest. My mother handed them to the nurse, "ok well anxiety mixed with the drugs hes on and the concussion does tend to make them a little out of it" she explained.

"He will be fine this is only temporary he can have water if needed I just need to get his test results back" she told us as she wrote something down and left the room, "here drink this" ashley said tipping the glass towards me. "Thanks" I said yawning, "sleep adam its ok we are here" my mom said as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of my parents voices.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now