Chapter Twenty-Five

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At last im getting this cast off today, that means I can go back to work. Its been over a week since that whole mess with that crazy guy, apparently hes going to inside for a long time. I havent spoken to tommy since that night, I will protect my heart at any cost now im so over being hurt. "Come on adam we need to get to the hospital" ashley shouted, "im coming" I said pulling on my jogging bottoms and heading into the front room.

I cant wait until I can wear my jeans again, jogging bottoms are just so not my style. "Lets go" I said as ashley smiled and we headed out of the apartment and into the elevator. She held the car door open as I slid on and she pushed it shut, climbing into the drivers side she started the engine. "I bet your glad to get that off I know how you love your jeans" she said laughing, "yes its super itchy aswell " I replied as we pulled into the traffic.

"Have you heard from him?" she asked as I looked up from my twitter feed, "no" I replied looking back down at my phone. "Oh" she said quietly as we pulled into the slip road to the hospital, "we are nearly there" she said. "Awesome" I commented putting my phone in my pocket, she parked the car as we climbed out and headed inside. It wasnt that busy really which is a good thing, we only had to wait for 10 minutes before we were called in.

"Thats better" I said as we headed back to the car, ashley laughed as she unlocked the car. "Shall we go to starbucks?" she asked, "yes!" I replied as we headed downtown. We got to starbucks in 15 minutes, climbing out we headed inside. "What can I get you guys?" a lady asked, "2 strawberry frappachinos please" I said handing her the money. We collected our drinks and sat down, "so how are things with sam?" I asked sipping my drink.

"Yeah things are good, I have an auditon for a band on friday" she said. "Really thats awesome who is it for?" I questioned, "some band just starting out" she replied. "Thats actually amazing ash, I know you will kick ass at it" I said. "Yeah im guessing you will be going back to work tomorrow?" she commented, "yeah I need to get back into it" I answered.

Once we were finished we walked into the crowded street, "what do you want to do now?" ashley asked. "I think we should go shopping" I answered, "yes I want to go to hot topic" she said. "Ok then the mall is only up the next road we have time ont he car park dont we?" I asked. "Yeah it doest run out until 1.00 pm" ashley replied, "cool well lets go!" I said.

I love shopping so much its crazy, we headed into the mall which was as busy as usual. "Come on hot topic is on the 2nd floor" ashley said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the escalator. We walked inside as ashley went to browse the aisles, I headed for the mens bit.  I found some jeans and went to pay for them, "hello sir will this be all?" the cashier said as I looked up.

"Hey yeah thats everything" I said looking into green eyes, I watched as he blushed and smiled looking away. "That will be 4 dollars please" he said his gaze meeting mine, I handed him the money and picked up the bag. "Thanks" I said as he handed me the change, I put it away as the assistant placed the reciept in the bag. "Have a nice day now" he replied smiling "you too" I answered.

I went to find ashley, she was looking at makeup and bracelets, she had armfuls of stuff. "Wow ash you'll have no money left" I laughed, "this place does to much stuff thats why. Have you paid for yours already?" she asked. "Yep all paid for, im going to the toilet while youre browsing I'll com find you after yeah?" I said as she nodded.

I pulled on my new jeans as a bit of paper fell onto the floor, I picked it up and glanced at it. It said call me smiley face and a cell phone number and his name, I smiled and realised it was the guy from the store. I folded it up and put it in my back pocket before folding my joggers up and putting them in the bag.

I went in search of ashley, I found her sitting ont he wall of the water feature. "About time oooh nice jeans" she commented, I looked over and saw the guy from the store smile at me and mouth call me as I blushed and looked down. "Yeah thanks" I said looking away from her to try and hide my red cheeks. "Oooh what are you blushing at" she asked, crap I was hoping she didnt notice.

"Nothing just some guy giving me his number" I said, "a guy who? Is he hot?" she asked. "The cashier from the store and yes very" I said, "are you going to ring him?" she questioned, "I dont know I think its a bit soon" I replied, "oh shut up look you are single and you shouldnt let this crap with tommy ruin that call the guy he could be pretty cool" she told me. I rolled my eyes as we walked back to the car.

Later that night...

I looked down at the number in front of me, taking a deep breath I dialled it. After a few rings he answered "hello?" he said his voice smooth and cool. "Hey its adam the guy you gave your number to" I said, "Oh hey there hot stuff didnt expect you to ring this soon" he replied. "Yeah well you know" I answered, "well now you have do you want to meet up for coffee maybe tomorrow?" he asked. "Sure when and where?" I questioned, "starbucks at say 11?" he replied.

"Ok then sounds good to me" I answered, "good I look forward to it its a date handsome until tomorrow" he said putting the phone down. I smiled and put my phone on my table as I laid back on my bed, a date wow..

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now