Chapter Five

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I ran through the doors of the office nearly 15 minutes late for a meeting, I threw my bag on my desk and knocked on the door. "Come in" my boss said as all eyes turned to face me, "youre late" she said. "I know im really sorry my alarm didnt go off" I apologised, "you can make the time up tonight now sit down" she said as I nodded and took a seat. The meeting dragged on and it was midday before it finished, a message bar popped up on my laptop as Annies email showed up on the screen.

"Are we meeting for lunch I want something deep fried and covered in chocolate". I tapped out a reply to her "aw feeling fragile are we" she replied back with shut up you asshole. I smiled at the screen as my mobile rung and my mothers number flashed up, I pressed reject and went back to my work. As lunch time approached I stood up from my desk and went to meet annie, she was standing in the foyer with sunglasses on I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Afternoon" I said loudly as she jumped and then shoved me, "get lost adam" she said. "Aww is someone hanging?" I teased as she stuck her tongue out as we headed onto the street in search of food. We settled for a cafe about 3 blocks from the office as I ordered for us both and found a table. Annie had since vanished while I sat at the table scrolling down my phone, I had numerous messages from my parents and ashley telling me how sorry they were and that they wanted to see me.

I sighed and put it back in my coat pocket as annie came back from wherever she went, "hey you ok?" I asked as she nodded. "Im never drinking again I swear" she said faceplanting the table and cursing under her breath, "well ive heard that before" I answered biting into the sandwich I ordered. "Im serious, anyway hows things with that tommy lad did you speak to his parents?" she asked as I swallowed my mouthful and put it down on the plate.

"No" I answered scowling, "why?" she questioned. "Because I didnt, because I just cant talk about this right now so leave it alone yeah" I said wanting to end this conversation, "ok chill out I wont mention it again but you cant avoid it forever" she told me. "Come on we better get back" I said, "we still have 10 minutes" she replied literally running after me. I glanced behind me and saw she had stopped I turned round and walked over to her. "Are you alright you look a bit pale" I said, "seriously I swear down im gonna puke" she said.

"Ew thats so gross" I said as she threw up in the street  as I averted my eyes and rubbed her back. "Are you done?" I asked wrinkling my nose, "im done sorry I know you dont do that kind of stuff" she said as I nodded and handed her some gum. "Its cool if not a little nauseating and disgusting" I replied, "promise me that if I ever say lets go drinking again that you will stop me" she said. "I guess so but  I cant tell you what to do" I replied matter of factly, "tie me to a desk if needed but just stop me" she told me as I smiled and nodded.

The rest of my working day went pretty quickly as I packed up my stuff and headed for the elavator, most people were long gone now seeing as it was nearly half past 5. I walked onto the street as a cold wind whistled around me, my phone rang in my pocket as ashleys number popped up. "What?" I asked, "wow no need for the attitude, I rang to tell you tommy is out of the coma oh yeah and dont forget im out tonight" she told me. "Thats fine and good to know" I answered, "look adam you cant keep this charade up you know that right. You cant keep pushing people away because they are trying to help you" she said.

"Ive told you ashley im fine ok now im really glad that tommy is getting better and all but I just wish people would leave me alone" I told her unlocking my front door and heading inside. Ashley had left a microwave meal on the side as I stabbed it and shoved it inside, "adam people care about you and Its about time you realised that go and see tommy" she replied as the phone went dead. I glanced at it and threw it onto the sofa as my pictures flashed up at the screen, I picked it up and saw a picture of me and tommy from one of our date nights.

I ran my finger over it, there was no denying it I missed him so much maybe ashley was right maybe I should go and see him. I grabbed my keys and ran down the stairs to my car and climbed in, I sped up the road towards the hospital. I pulled into the car park and walked up to the reception desk, "hi im looking for tommy joe ratliff?" I said. "Icu 2nd floor right at the end" the nurse said without looking up from her crossword.

"Thanks" I replied walking up to the elevator and waiting for it to get to the floor, I climbed in as It went up to the 2nd floor and I wandered out and up the corridor to the room at the end. I looked through the window and saw he was alone before pushing the door and walking inside, he must have heard me because he stirred in his sleep and brown eyes met mine.

"Adam?" he said quietly, "hey you" I replied as I took his outheld hand. "You lost weight, I cant believe youre here my parents wouldnt be happy" he whispered. "I know I had to see you to check you were ok" I explained, "im fine adam just sore im so happy to see you. You look so tired adam" he said. "Im fine tommy really im more concerned about you when will you be home?" I questioned, "I dont know the doctors havent told me but you know that I never stopped loving you right no matter what my parents think I wont let them take you away from me" he said.

"Well your parents disagree" a voice said as we looked up and saw tommys mother standing in the doorway. "Mom please I love him" tommy said as I stood up to leave, "dont even think about running security are on their way" she said stopping me as two security guards grabbed me. "Mother no please dont do this" tommy said, "I love you" I mouthed as I was dragged away from tommy as he screamed hysterically.

I was led to a police car and pushed inside as a police officer cuffed one of my wrists to him, "where are you taking me I didnt do anything wrong" I said angrily. "Save it for the station" the officer said as I was driven towards the police station. "Come on lets go" the officer said as I climbed out behind him and was marched inside, and put in an interveiw room.

 I was quizzed on my relationship with tommy and why his parents didnt want me near him, it took me back to places I would rather forget but I was made to tell them everything. I ended up with a restraining order, meaning I couldnt go within a certain distance to tommy and his family. I was handed the piece of paper and sent on my way with no car and an almost dead battery, it was raining as I stepped out into the night and went on my way home.

The enormity of the fact that I couldnt be with tommy finally hit me as I leant agianst a wall and shredded the paper, my phone had since died as I sank to the floor and let the rain pour down on my masking the tears that had spilled from my eyes it was over his parents had finally broken us up and broken me and tommy seperately.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now