Chapter Seventeen

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I heard keys jingling in the lock through the fog that clouded my head, I heard boots running across the concrete floor. As I slowly came round I saw a police officer looking down at me, "are you ok?" he asked. "I think so, I just need my tablets from my coat pocket" I said slowly sitting up. "Tablets?" he questioned checking my head, "yeah I have anxiety what are you looking for?" I said. "Anxiety huh i'll get someone to grab them for you, and to check you havent cut it" he explained.

"Oh right" I replied as he pulled me up,  another police officer came in and handed my my tablets. Soon I was locked back in again, I was so tired. I laid down and slowly began to fall asleep as my tablets fell form my hand and rolled across the floor. I was awoken a while later by an officer calling my name sitting up I blinked at the woman standing in front of me. "About time come on lambert up you get" she said as I stood and picked up my tablets from where they had been put on the side. "Where am I going?" I asked sleepily as she led my up the cell rows, "someones bailed you out your getting out of here" she explained leading me into the reception area.

I saw my mother standing at the desk as I was led over to her, "mom?" I asked. "Hey babe" she said as I hugged her tightly, "thank you" I said. "Its ok but youre coming to stay with me for a few weeks ok?" she asked. "Thats fine please get me out of here" I said signing the paper as my stuff was handed to me. We walked outside as I breathed in the crisp air outside, "ashley packed you some stuff its in the car already" my mom said as the car pulled up in front of us."Thats cool" I said sliding inside as my mom slid in next to me, "so ashley rang me and said you needed money to get out of this place. Why exactly were you in there in the first place?" she asked.

"Tommy, he tried to jump off a bridge. I stopped him but it meant I broke the terms of my restraining order hence I was put in there even though I kind of saved his life" I explained. "Oh right, but why would you risk prison for him. I mean I get you like him but thats a little crazy" my mother said. "Because I love him more than anything and I couldnt let him jump but it doesnt matter now anyway because we cant beat his parents" I said. "I get that if he makes you happy you cant just let him get away from you" she said, "but I will just get in more trouble surely nothing is worth that" I  answered.

"Well sometimes things are though but its wether you take the chance" she told me, "maybe" I replied as we pulled into my mothers driveway. "Im going to take my stuff upstairs" I said as we got inside, "ok well dinner is at 5 ask ashley round if you like we are having a dinner party so dress smart" my mother said. "Fine" I answered heading to my room and flopping onto the bed, I typed out a message to ashley asking her to come round if she liked and looked up at the celing.

My bedroom hadnt changed at all, the same queen posters pinned on the wall. My old school yearbook on the desk and the same teddy I had when I was little sat on the bed. I missed this place really, I had some good memories here. I climbed off the bed and started putting clothes into the empty wardrobe as ashley replied and said she would come, I picked up my phone and replied back as I noticed I had two voicemails.

I dialled the number and listened, one was my mother asking what had happened and why I wasnt answering my phone and the other was tommy. "Hey adam, thank you for talking me out of my craziness. I told my mom that she shouldnt have called the police on you, she was out of order but she wouldnt listen. Ive been grounded and barricaded in my bedroom, shes a psycho adam. But im going to get away im coming to find you, as you are probably released now. She isnt going to win this one i'll run away if I have to, anything that means I can be with you."

Tommy you crazy boy, he just doesnt get we cant be together. I sent him a message, "of course I talked you out of it you mean a lot to me. Your mom is only doing what she thinks is best for you, I cant believe shes barricaded you in your room. Youve done nothing wrong, yeah im out and im at my mothers. Please dont run away to be with me im not worth it." Yeah I know what you are all thinking, stop saying that about yourself but its true loosing your family isnt worth it just so you can be with a guy or a girl.

I threw my phone on the bed and headed downstairs to the library, this is my favourite place. A place where I can read in peace and quiet, the library was always cozy and warm because of the fireplace. There are 2 big comfy armchairs by the fire, I picked up a book and settled into one of the chairs as I started to read the book I had picked out. I heard my mother calling my name as I stretched and picked up the book from where it had fallen onto the floor, "library" I said as she appeared in the doorway.

"Ive been looking for you for ages, did you fall asleep in here Ive been yelling for at least 15 minutes" she said. "I think I may have dozed off why whats up?" I asked, "oh yes its getting on the guests will be here in about half an hour oh and ashley is on her way" she said. "Oh ok guess I better go shower then" I answered sliding out of the chair as my mother nodded and disapeared up the hallway.

After I showered I pulled on the suit my mother had laid out for me before shoving my phone into my pocket and heading towards the stairs. I could hear muffled voices coming from the dining room, the doorbell rang as I went to answer it. I saw ashley standing on the step with a fur coat on, "hey ash" I said. "Adam hey!" she said hugging me tightly as I let her in and took her coat. She had a black dress with diamontes on and heels to match, "you look pretty" I stated. "Thanks so where is everyone?" she asked, "in the dining room" I answered. "Come on then lets go mingle" she said pulling me inside as we were lost in the crowd of people gathered in the room.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now