Chapter Ten

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I was awoken from my sleep with stomach pains and overwhelming nausea, I knew that eating all that food was a big mistake last night. I jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom shutting the door behind me, once I was done I brushed my teeth and went to get dressed. As I came out of my room Ashley was sitting at the table with a cup of tea and some toast. She looked up at me and smiled "hey you ok?" she asked as I made a glass of water, "morning im fine why?" I questioned sitting down opposite her. "No reason hungry?" she asked pointing to the toast on the table, "erm no thanks" I answered.

"Adam you know you need to eat right?" she said, "yes ashley im just not hungry after all that food last night" I replied. "Right are you really sure youre ok?" she she questioned putting her cup down, "ashley ive said im fine why do you keep asking" I said raising an eyebrow. "Because you look like shit to be fair and I heard you being sick" she said. "Im fine now it must have been something I ate" I replied absent mindedly, "I ate the same as you and im perfectly fine" she commented. "Yeah well I dont know ok now im going or im going to be late" I said standing up and heading for the door.

"You cant ignore this adam!" she called as I shut the door and headed for the elevator. I made my way through the busy streets and got to my office block with 2 minutes to spare as I ran into the foyer and slipped landing on my ass. Noone saw me which was good as I stood up and headed for the elevator, as It made its way up the floors it suddenly stopped. Collective gasps and frustrated sighs filled the elevator as someone pressed the button impatiently. I watched as they pressed the call button and told the person it had broken down, we would have to wait half an hour for someone to fix it.

I backed against the wall and sat on the floor while we waited as gradually everyone else did the same, soon they were all in deep conversation as I sat quietly in the corner watching them all. The minutes ticked past as it got more and more chlaustraphobic by the second, voices melded into one until it was a hum of loud voices. My hands were shaking and I felt as though I couldnt breathe, my mouth was dry as I started to get hot. Suddenly the lift shunted and the doors opened as I rushed out of the lift and leant against the wall gasping for breath, "hey adam are you ok?" Annie said appearing from the staff room. "Fine the lift broke down im fine really" I said as everything started spinning and I passed out.

When I opened my eyes again I saw the concerened stares of annie, angela and ashley."Hey what happened?" I asked sitting up slowly, "you got stuck in the lift thats when I saw you int he corridor you said you were fine and then collapsed" annie explained. "Oh right" I answered, "yeah the doctor said you had some kind of anxiety attack he said you shouild go home and rest for a few days" ashley told me. "I cant I have to work" I said climbing off the chair I was laying on.

"Woah adam look go home ok you need to do what the doctor said take a couple of days off" angela said, "urgh fine" I said standing up as ashley looped her arm through mine. She hailed a cab and ushered me inside, "when we get in I suggest you go to bed and im going to call a doctor because something isnt right with you" she said. "Fine whatever" I said, I wasnt even going to argue with her because quite honestly I dont have the energy im so tired.

When we got home I went to my room and fell onto my bed as ashley picked up the phone and rang the doctor. My phone buzzed as I reached out for it and glanced at the message, im home now and im going to come and see you. We need to sort this mess out you cant just expect me to forget all about you. You dont know what you mean to me. I sighed yes tommy I do I thought as I placed my phone on the bedside table.

How did everything go so horribly wrong? I can't deal with this anymore, im so tired. I just want to sleep or hide away and cry. I curled into a ball as a wave of energy loss washed over me as I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now