Chapter Sixteen

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"Well this is you" the officer said unlocking a cell, I looked inside at the tiny room with no windows and sighed. There was a little bunk with a thin blanket and flat pillow, in one corner was a sink and toilet apart from that it was empty. "Get some sleep" he said as I stepped inside, "thanks" I whispered. He nodded and the door shut with a loud clang that echoed all around me. I sat down on the hard bed and pulled my knees up to my chin. Leaning agaist the wall my mind raced, I was away from my family friends and the man I love. Locked in a tiny closed in room with none of my stuff including my tablets, locked away for falling in love.

I sat and stared at the ceiling, it must be late but I cant sleep, I can hear shouting in the distance, probably from some poor prisoner or drunks outside. I really don't like it here, I want to be at home with ashley not stuck in some freezing cold cell with police walking outside. This is all tommys parents fault, no its mine I should have resisted tommy not let myself fall for him. I can still remember the look on his face when I was dragged away, his eyeliner down his face and those beautiful brown eyes filled with tears.. I hate seeing him like that, his parents have got what they wanted now.

Im going to be stuck in here forever, in a tiny little room with nothing in it. Im trapped here I might as well try and sleep. I curled up into a ball and pulled the blanket over my head turning my back on the door and blocking out the yells from people in the cells around me. I was awoken from my sleep by a nightmare as I sat up and heard keys jangling, the lock turned as I saw a police officer standing in the doorway.

"Lambert up you get the detective wants to interview you" he said putting handcuffs on my wrists and leading me out through the rows of cells. We stopped at a gate as he unlocked it and led me through the reception area, I heard yelling as I saw ashley shouting at a police officer behind the desk. "Where the hell is adam lambert he hasnt done anything wrong you have no right to keep him here and take away his tablets. That kids parents are to blame for this, they cant stand to see their son happy with an older guy!" she shouted.

I watched as she turned round and spotted me, "adam are you ok where are you taking him!" she shouted. "Miss if you would please step back" the officer holding me said, "no why are you going to arrest me aswell seeing as you lot like to keep innocent people locked away" she yelled. "Ashley its ok" I said quietly, "no its not adam i'll get you home I promise by any means necessary. I'll sit here all week if I have to" she shouted as I was led into a room.

"Quite the firecracker your missus" the officer said sitting opposite me, "shes not my missus shes my best friend and for your information im gay thanks" I said. A man dressed in a suit walked in and pressed a tape recorder next to him. "Detective inspector greene and officer haynes present. Interviewing adam lambert commencing time 10.30 am." he said. "So mr lambert what is your relationship with a mr ratliff?" he asked, "he was my boyfriend" I replied. "Ok is it true he was one of your students when you taught at a school?" he asked, "yes thats correct" I answered.

"Ok and your relationship lasted approximately 6 months am I correct?" he said, "yes but then his parents found out and they werent best pleased" I replied. "Yes hence why they took out a restraining order against you, to stop you contacting him seems a little extreme doesnt it?" he questioned. "It is a little extreme and I know what youre thinking oh he must have done something wrong for them to take that out on him. No they did it purely out of spite because they couldnt deal with the fact he was happy with me" I said.

"So they are jealous you say?" he said, "yes look I had to talk him out of jusmping of a damn bridge yesterday ok. Do you know how difficult that was? And do I get any thanks no I get locked up in a tiny little cell for nothing. Yes I went near him and broke your stupid rules but I stopped him killing himself why cant you people see that!" I shouted standing up as the chair fell backwards. "Calm down" the officer said, "no I wont you lot need to let me go I havent done anything wrong" I said.

"Ok I think you need some time to cool off interveiw suspended 11.30 am" the detective said as I was led back to my cell. "Please you need to let me go I havent done anything" I begged as I was locked back inside as I banged on the door. I was ignored of course and my hands were red from hitting the metal, I stood up and paced the floor. I have to get out of here, I can feel the walls closing in around me as I pulled at my hair. I could feel myself getting hot and my heart racing as my breathing grew shallow. No I cant have one of my attacks here not now I need to breathe and calm down.

I tried to slow my breathing but nothing was working, I tried banging on the door again but noone answered as everything started spinning around me and breathing got more and more difficault. "Please help" I whispered as the darkness engulfed me and I fell onto the cold concrete floor.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now