Chapter Thirteen

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"So are you coming to the pub tonight? We are gonna get wasted!" annie said leaning on my desk. "No I dont think so I mean ive got to get home to ashley" I said. "Invite her oh come on it will be fun and it is my birthday!" she said batting her eyelashes at me, "i'll think about it ok" I replied. "Oh sweetcheeks green boar half past 7" she said blowing me a kiss and heading back into her office.

I smiled at her craziness as my phone buzzed, I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the text. "Im sorry I slapped you I was angry but I get that you dont want me. I wont be getting in your way again" It said. I don't know why but that text kind of worried me but tommy isnt stupid, he wont do anything bad hes a smart kid. I put my phone back into my pocket and printed off the designs for the clients that we needed. As I walked to the printer I stared out of the window and saw it was raining, great dont you just love the weather.

I rolled my eyes and collected the papers before knocking on angelas office door, "come in" she said as I pushed it open. "Hey I have those designs you wanted" I told her as I placed them on the desk, "thank you adam" she said absent mindedly. "I hope you dont mind me asking but you seem a little didstracted is everything ok?" I asked. "Its nothing I cant deal with, you have enough stuff of your own to deal with and you dont need my problems" she said smiling a little.

"I wouldnt have asked if I minded you know, youve been there for me and I wanted to return the favour" I said. "Youre a good guy adam but you cant help with this one unless you can find me a boyfriend that isnt a lying cheating scumbag" she said leaning back in the chair. "I cant help with that but we are going out tonight for annies birthday maybe you could come they are getting drunk so might help forget it for one night" I replied placing my hand on the door handle.

"I might do where are you going?" she questioned, "green boar seven thirty?" I answered. "Maybe" she replied, "ok well its up to you" I replied pulling the door open. "Thank you" she said as I smiled and walked back to my desk to carry on with work. Eventually 5 oclock drew round as I picked up my things, I headed downstairs and into the street outside as people milled around rushing to get home.

As I reached my apartment building I headed inside and unlocked the door, Ashley was sitting on the sofa watching tv. "Hey" I said as she peered over the top, "hey good day?" she asked. "Yeah it was ok, oh by the way its annies birthday and she wants to know if we will meet her for a drink but shes going to get wasted apparently" I said sitting in the armchair. "Im down for that if you are" she replied, "I dont know I mean its a friday night its going to be packed" I said biting my lip."I'll look after you oh come on you need to lets loose!" she said, "urgh fine but im not staying long" I surrendered as she hugged me.

Later that night...

"Come on ashley we are going to be late!" I said crossing my arms and tapping my foot. "Ok im here!" she trilled appearing in the hallway, she was in a tight red sequinned dress and massive heels. "Well?" she said twirling, "you look hot" I said as she laughed and picked up her jacket. "You dont look to bad yourself" she said as I looked down at my black jeans, leopard print shirt with a blazer and black heeled boots.

"I try now come on!" I said as we headed out of the door and down into the night, we walked 2 blocks until we came to a busy pub that glowed in green light. "Come on adam lets go" ashley said pulling me inside, I spotted annie by the bar. She had a tight purple dress on with sparkling heels to match, "hey you guys came" she said as she spotted us kissing our cheeks. "You look good now lets drink!" I said as they laughed and ordered shots,  I vowed not to drink too many.

"3 more please!" annie said to the bar tender, "not for me thanks" I refused. "Oh come on party pooper" ashley teased slurring her words. Both of them were completely drunk and it was only 10 oclock, "I cant because of my tablets remember" I said. I was only a little tipsy and decided to settle for lemonade from now on, angela had arrived and she was dancing with some guy.

They downed their shots and ordered 3 large vodkas, "lets go dance" annie said dragging us all onto the little dancefloor. Soon pretty much the whole pub was crammed onto the dancefloor as we were getting squashed and trampled on, Ashley stumbled up to me and leant on my shoulder. "You know adam If i was a guy I would totally snog you" she said, I laughed quitely "but thats not going to happen and you lady are very drunk" I answered.

"I might be a little drunk but you are a hot piece of ass and any guy could have you, I mean you could have them. That tommy doesnt know what hes missing" she said. "Get off you alcaholic" I said playfully as she tapped my nose and smiled, "im not an alcaholilic im dont ever drink" she said. "Oh yeah and im the pope, im going to go and get some air its a little crowded in here go dance with annie" I said as she waved and disapeared into the crowd.

I made my way through the crowds and into the cool night air, It was warm in there and busy. I looked up at the night sky and smiled, it was beautiful here at night the way the stars twinkled. I heard someone coming towards me as I saw ashley stumbling towards me, "here you are I wondered where you got to" she said almost falling over as I grabbed her waist to stop her falling. "Oh my hero" she said, "funny ask" I replied. "Cheer up grumpy" she said putting her hand to her head.

"Are you ok?" I asked, "Im fine" she said stepping backwards. "You dont look fine" I replied as she turned around to face me. "I feel sick" she said as I took her hand and led her to a bin, "there do it in there" I answered as she threw up while I held her hair. "Well youhave good aim I guess" I said looking away, "are you done?" I questioned as she straightened and wiped her mouth. "Thanks" she said as she took a swing of the glass in her hand, "dont you think thats enough?" I asked. "Stop worring Adam im fine now, you know you are a very good person adam. And you look so hot int hat outfit, why are you single" she saidas I leant on the barrier.

"Ash your drunk you have no idea what you are saying" I answered, "your avoiding the question maybe youre really straight. I could make you straight then boys wont hurt you" she said. "Ashley thats unlikely unless you have a surprise under that skirt" I said turning to face her, "wouldnt you like to know " she said grabbing my blazer. "What are you doing?" I asked as she pulled me towards her, "making you straight" she replied leaning towards my face.

"Ashley let go" I said gently pushing her away, "Oh adam you silly boy you know youre hot and that you love me" she said. "Thats as may be but I dont swing that way you know I dont I love you as a friend my very drunk friend right now" I replied as she pushed my backwards and pinned my against the wall holding my arms by my side. "Ashley please let go" I said as she waved a finger at me and kissed me fercefully as I tried to free my hands. "Ashley stop!" I said pulling my arms away and stepping away from her, "where are you going?" she asked. "Home dammit ashley you cant just do that" I said wiping her lipstick from my mouth, "Adam dont go im sorry" she said as I shook my head and made my way home as she yelled my name.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now