Chapter Fifteen

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"We told you we don't where he is and we've told you he's not here" Ashley said as they barged past us and decided they were going to go through every room in our house. "I don't believe you I know he's been texting Adam I've checked his phone" his mom said.

"You can't just barge in here and start going through our property now please leave or we will call the police" I told her. "Go ahead they can come and arrest you for breaching your restraining order" she snapped back. "He contacted me because he knows what you will say" I answered, "yes but you replied back" she told me.

"So what I haven't been anywhere near him so therefore I haven't broken anything" I stated. "I'm betting you still know where he is though" his mom said, "ok I've had enough! It's 3 am I'm tired and I'm fed up with you accusing Adam of kidnapping or stalking your son now leave right now!" Ashley shouted.

"Fine we'll go but I'm not dropping this I know that you know where my son is if I find out you are hiding him somewhere you'll get more than a restraining order I'll kill you" she said getting in my face. "Back off bitch and you will have to get through me now I won't ask you again" Ashley told her standing in between us and pushing her away.

I watched as they left and sighed, "so do you know where he is?" Ashley said glaring at me. "No I don't Ashley I just got a text saying that he still loves me and that I won't have to worry about him anymore" I explained. "You don't think he's done anything silly do you?" Ashley asked, "he has a history of self harm and I think he tried to kill himself once so I don't know Ashley but I hope not" I replied.

Later that day..

"Adam call him again" Ashley said as I searched tommy's number and dialled it for the tenth time in about 5 minutes. "He's not answering Ashley he could be anywhere this city alone is huge we aren't going to find him" I said. "We need to find him" Ashley persisted, "why do we his parents should be doing that not us" I answered.

"Because you love him, no matter how much you deny it I know you do. You guys need each other like nothing else" she told me. "Maybe I do but I've told you so many times that we can't be together so there's no point trying to find him" I answered. "Oh shut up and think of places where he could be" she ordered.

"I don't know any Ashley" I said as we headed for the bridge that crossed over the water to the next part of the city. "Ring him again" she said, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine lets just waste more time he obviously doesn't want to be found but hey let's do it anyway" I said dialling his number.

"Hello?" Tommy's voice came through the receiver. "Tommy where the hell are you? Why didn't you answer your damn phone?" I yelled. "Why do you care just leave me alone" he snapped, "why do I care you're actually asking me that damn question where the fuck are you!" I shouted hearing traffic and water in the background.

"Nowhere special" he replied, "tell me!" I said. "The bridge" he answered, "which damn one there's loads here" I answered. "The big one that leads downtown" he told me as I looked around me to try and spot his blonde hair. "I'll find you stay there and don't do anything silly" I said putting the phone down.

"Is that him?" Ashley said as I followed the direction she was pointing and spotted blonde hair standing on the edge of the bridge. "Thats him Ashley come on!" I shouted running across the road and dodging cars to get to him. "Adam you're going to get yourself killed be careful!" Ashley yelled from the path.

"Tommy!" I shouted as I reached the barrier and climbed over. "Don't you even think about it" I said edging closer to him as he turned his head to look at me. His eyeliner was streaked down his cheeks and his eyes were full of fear. "Stay back or I'll do it I'll jump" he said loosening his grip on the barrier. "Ok I won't come any closer just talk to me" I said gripping the barrier behind me as the water rushed past beneath me.

"I have nothing to say to you"he said looking below him, "I'm sorry ok but this isn't the answer tommy" I told him. "Why not no one will miss me, you don't want me what more do I have" he said. "Tommy you have everything don't throw it away by doing this" I said moving a few steps closer so I was within touching distance.

"I told you to stay back you know I'll do it" he said letting go with one hand. "Tommy please don't" I begged, "why who's going to stop me" he threatened loosening his grip with the other hand. "Because I well I " I started looking at Ashley mouthing words to me. "Because you what?" he asked shooting me a glance, "tell him you idiot" Ashley shouted.

"Because I need you ok, I should never had said I didn't ok. I love you tommy joe Ratliff and I can't deny it anymore" I said. "You're just saying that to stop me jumping" he said, "no tommy I'm being serious would I've standing here on the edge of a bridge if I didn't?" I said. "Maybe" he answered, "no definitely tommy please just walk towards me and we will get you safe" I said as he considered it.

"I'm not going home" he said, "no tommy please come here" I asked. "I don't think I can" he replied. "Take my hand" I said holding one out to him as he slowly let go and reached out. "Slowly make your way towards me" I said gently as he took a few steps towards me and slipped. I heard him scream as I reached out and caught him as he winced like in pain.

"Tommy hold on I've got you don't let go" I said as I clung to his wrist with one hand and held the barrier with the other. "Hold on I'll get help" Ashley said running into the road to stop a fire truck. "You're slipping" I said to Tommy as I clung to him tighter. I watched as the fire truck parked on the side of the road and they all ran over to us. "Please don't let me fall I don't want to die" he pleaded as I was grabbed round the waist and another grabbed Tommy hands while leaning over the barrier.

I was set down on the pavement as Ashley flew at me and hugged me tightly. Tommy was set down next to me as I ran over to him and hugged him. "Don't you dare scare me like that again" I said as he nodded, "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Tommy baby there you are I've been worried sick" his mom's voice said as I tried to move away but Tommy clung to my jacket.

"I knew you had him I'm calling the police" she said, "no mom please don't" Tommy said as a police car pulled up. "Ah police officer kindly arrested this man" she said pointing to me. "For what mam?" he questioned looking at me. "We have a restraining order against him now I suggest you arrest him so I
can take my son home to rest" she said. "Is this true sir?" he asked, "well yeah but he almost jumped I couldn't just leave him you don't understand that I love him" I said.

"Well sir I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you downtown" he said producing some handcuffs from his pocket. "Please no you can't arrest him" Tommy  shouted standing in front of the officer. "Kindly move sir" he said as Tommy mother grabbed him and dragged him away. "Mr Lambert you are under arrest for breaching the rules of your restraining order you do not  have to say anything but anything you do say will be given in evidence" he said tightening the cuffs round my wrists.

"Let me go" Tommy shouted trying to get away from his mother's iron grip. "No he's going where he belongs" she said, "GET OFF ME MOM LET ME GO DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY  FROM ME AGAIN" Tommy screamed hysterically as he pulled from his mother's grip and ran to the car as I was put in the back."Please don't do this please I love him! I love you Adam" Tommy shouted. "I love you too" I mouthed as Tommy was dragged away in tears. Ashley stood rooted to the spot in complete shock as the police car headed into the traffic. I stared out of the window as tears slid down my face.

Love Hurts: Sequel To Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now