"It's Star Butterfly asshole!"

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Star and the stranger kept rolling down the hill. It felt like it would never end until they finally were stopped by a rock. They both fell unconscious.

*the next morning*

Star woke up groaning, her head pounding like a boulder. She sat up while holding her head and took a look at her surroundings. It was all dark and creepy and cold with a tiny bit of sunlight.

Where am I?

And how did I even end up here?

With her senses, she heard a loud groaning noise next to her.

"What the hell happened?" he groaned.

As he was adjusting, Star noticed something different about him.

Sharp nails? Hair all over his body? Piercing red eyes?

Star gasped. "Y-you're a werewolf" "Yeah, no shit, ugh, where am I?" He looked at me. He scanned my body before saying, "You're a vampire."

Next thing you know, he launched at me. Star was able to move quickly before he could touch her. He growled at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you dog?!"

"Watch your tongue bat!"

Star and the werewolf glared at each other. Piercing yellow eyes into red ones.

His eyes are kinda cute.

Star broke off the stare. "How did we even get here?" "Well if I remember correctly, you ran into me and we rolled down this hill. Nice going by the way, don't you have eyes?" "It's your fault for getting in my way! What were you even doing in here? It's a forbidden forest! "I should ask you that sweetheart." "First off, don't call me sweetheart. Second, I was playing hide and seek with a friend until you disrupted me. What's your excuse?" "I was collecting items for. . .something."

"Yeah? Well now we're stuck with no way out." Star angrily sat on the ground, head in knees.

Marco didn't have the patience for this, he needed to get out. His parents are probably worried for him. He sighed. He knew what he had to do.

"Listen batty w-"

"It's Star Butterfly asshole!"

"Ok sTaR. We need to get out of here and the only way is to work together."

"Pff, I'd rather eat garlic."

He shrugged, "Alright, if you say so. Hope to never see you again Butterface." With that he turned away and starting walking an unknown path. While smirking, in his head he counted 3..2..1


His smirk grew and he mockingly turned around. "Yes star?"

She marched to him, fists to her side with a scowl on her face.

"Listen here wol-"

"It's Marco. Marco Diaz."

"Whatever, Barfo, I'll go with you, only cause I need to get out of here too. But no interacting with each other and no funny business." She said this while her eye glowing and sharp teeth trying to intimidate him.

"Sure whatever you say Butterface." She growled but started walking down the path ahead of him.

Marco smirked to himself.


Two chapters in a day!🖤

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now