"Dramatic much?"

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The sun was quickly setting in the distance. The sunset gleamed bright over the horizon. It was a relaxing color, with orange, purple and red mashed into one. The wind gushed through the sky, brushing past leaves on the cold ground. The duo realized it was time to camp for the night.

"Hey" Marco started but kept walking. "It's getting late. We should settle down for the night before it gets darker." He noticed a shivering Star next to him. Her arms were wrapped around her torso, trying to keep warm. Her steps were steady but he knew if they didn't stop soon, she would give out.

"For once, I agree with you. But I am not sleeping on the grass." "No need, I spotted a cave up ahead." Marco replied, pointing straight ahead of them.

Once they entered the cave, Star jumped in the cave and floated down softly, legs crossed in front of her and arms crossed behind her head. With her eyes closed, she sighed satisfyingly.

Marco scoffed, "Dramatic much." "Ha, says you." Star stayed floating mid air, a few inches off the ground and faced him. "Sooooo, what now" Star questioned with an uninterested look on her face.

Marco replied, "Now we look for wood to make a fire." Marco turned around to exit the cave. He noticed no other footsteps behind him. He abruptly stopped. "Are you coming?" "Nah, you go on ahead" she waved him off. "Ugh fine, but it's your turn tomorrow." "Yeah yeah, whateva."

After Marco left, Star dreamt off into a quick slumber.

Marco's POV

"She can be so infuriating sometimes."

I had just finished gathering some wood, mostly branches, and I was heading back to the cave where Ms. Lazy was. I also caught some fish at a nearby lake across the way.

"We just need to get out here as soon as possible before the full moon appears."

Every year, the full moon appears and shines down on us. It turns us into full wolves for a night. We get to unlock our full potential and be our true selves. This year is the first time I get to transform. In my pack, you only get to transform once you turn 18 which I did a few months ago. I was so excited to transform with my bud Oscar who got to transform last year but now I'm stuck with a vampire. Woohoo.

A few minutes later I entered the cave to see Star sleeping on her arms, her face facing the outside of the cave. I walked up closer to her and noticed the moonlight shining on her face. She looked peaceful. Her breathing was steady. Her mouth was open, not too much but just enough to see the tips of her fangs. Some of her blonde hair fell over her face and went to her nose. Her nose twitched a bit in a cute way. Her cleavage from the tank top she was wearing showed a bit and moved everytime she breathed. I was stuck in a trance. She looked beautiful. Star sturred a bit in her sleep and that broke me out of my trance.

I turned away, flustered at her and at what I was doing a few seconds ago.

After I calmed down, I walked toward Star, avoiding her at the same time. I set down the fish and wood next to me and kneeled down to her level. "Star. star. Psst. wake up." She barely stirred. I was growing frustrated. I thought of an idea.

I bent down to her ear. In a husky voice, I whispered in her ear, "Wake up Butterfly." What happened next was unexpected.

I heard a moan exit out of her mouth.

I gasped and backed up a bit. That must have woken her up. "Uhh, what happened?" she woke up groggily. She looked toward me. "Why is your face like that Diaz?" I was still shocked at what happened. Who knew. I finally spoke.

"You moaned."


"You moaned."

"What do you mean I "moaned"?

"You moaned moaned." She seemed to have caught on to what I was insinuating. Her eyes widened and her cheeks pinked out. She tried to avoid eye contact.

"Hahaha, you're funny Marco, real funny. I don't know what you're talking about."

I gasped. "You have a kin-" she interrupted me. "Okay haha, what did you bring?" she nervously asked, still avoiding my eyes. I decided to drop the topic for now. "It's the wood for the fire plus some fish for dinner." "Well, time to set up." She got to work setting up the fire, so I started to prepare the fish.

I loved writing this lollll

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now