"You disgust me"

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Marco woke up on a cold, hard floor. He groaned, "What happened?" He sat up a bit and that's when he took in his new surroundings. It was like a cave but it had all sorts of things in it. It had bookshelves, cupboards with bottles on it. "Where the hell am I?" He also noticed he was in a cage.

"Oh good, you're awake." He turned to where the voice came from. He glared at the figure.

"Why am I not surprised Tom. I knew there was something up with you." Tom walked toward his cage. He shrugged cockily, "I figured you did. Star on the other hand, she was pretty easy to trick."


Marco stood up from the floor, and walked toward Tom. "Where the hell is she?" Marco demanded. When Marco touched the cage though, he stumbled back in pain. "Arghhh!"

Tom chuckled. "I wouldn't touch the bars if I were you, these silver cages sting like hell. Well, to you, not me." Marco clenched his jaw, "Where. Is. Star?!"

"Right behind you."

When Marco turned around, there, in fact, was Star, still passed out. She began to stir. "Star!" Marco yelled. "Star, get up!"

When Star finally opened her eyes, she said, "Where am I?"

"You guys are in my lair" The mysterious person popped out from the darkness. Marco looked at her, grimacing. "Who are you?" She started walking toward them, "Oh I'm pretty sure you know who I am. Everyone does."

Star spoke out, "Y-you're E-exoria." "Bingo!"

"Why did you bring us here?" Marco asked.

This time, Exoria spoke seriously. "Why did you enter my woods? You guys must be pretty stupid to actually think about entering."

"We're so sorry. We just got lost. And if you let us go, we promise to never come back ever." Star exclaimed, fear in her voice.

"You know, I would consider that option... if i actually cared. Mwah ha ha." She looked at Tom. "Tom, since you did a great job luring them here, you can take care of them." Tom smirked, "It would be my pleasure."

"While you go do that, I have some business to attend to. Tah tah." And off she went.

Tom faced his prisoners too. "Why don't we start with you Marco since I never liked you." "The feeling's mutual," Marco said back.

With a snap of Tom's fingers, a lever came down and grabbed Marco's cage, bringing it up.

"Tom! What are you doing?!" Yelled Star. "Well, you see that pool of boiling lava?" Star and Marco turned to where he was pointing at. "I'm going to drop you guys in it," Tom said calmly, with a smug look on his face.

Marco's cage started heading toward the lava. "Fuck, I gotta do something." Marco said to himself.

Star looked at Marco, afraid that this might be the last time she'll see him.

Tom walked over to Star's cage. "You know Star, if I wasn't just about to kill you, we could've gone out some time." He touched her chin but she immediately slapped his hand away. "Oh come on Star, how about one last kiss. The last one was cut short." Tom said lustly.

Marco had happened to hear what he said. What did he mean last time? Did they kiss before? Focus Marco!

Marco tore pieces of clothing off of his body. He wrapped them around his hands tightly.

"You disgust me," Star sneered.
Marco walked toward one side of the cage. He took a deep breath. Extra strength, don't fail me now.

"Cute Star, real cute." Tom grabbed onto her jaw, forcibly.

Marco grabbed onto two bars, the pain already seering toward the clothes on his hands. Trying to ignore the stinging pain, he used all his strength to separate the two bars enough to escape from the cage.

Tom wouldn't let go of Star's jaw. He started to pull her face to him, despite Star's dismay. Before their lips could touch, they heard a thunderous jerk behind them. Tom turned his head and saw Marco out of his cage, just a few feet away from them.

Tom was shocked and furious at the same time. He scowled at Marco, "How the hell did you escape?!!"

"None of your business. Step away from Star" Marco scowled back. They had a glaring contest.

Tom finally spoke, "Well then, I guess I'll have to get rid of you myself. This will be way more fun."

"Oh I've been waiting to do this since I met you." Marco replied back.

Warning: I suck at writing fight scenes

Marco and Tom charged at each other with full force. Marco gave the first hit. He punched Tom in the face but Tom dodged. He blasted fire at him.

*fight, punch, blast, dodge, kick, dodge*
I'm so sorry but I told you

Star steered away from the fight for a bit, thinking of a way to escape. She looked around her cage then thought of an obvious idea slapping her forehead. Duh, why didn't I think of this before.

Star headed toward the back of the cage then changed into her bat form. She then turned sideways in order to escape through the bars which, luckily, were spread out enough for her tiny form. She first had to look for a way out. Just behind her was an exit outside.

Now, to help Marco.

"You know Marco," Tom stated, blasting a fireball at Marco, "You're just jealous!"

"Ha! Why would I be jealous of you!" Marco fought back. "You and I both know that you can never have what Star and I had." Marco froze. Tom smirked. Catching Marco off guard, he blasted a flame that sent Marco across the cave.

Marco landed with an "Oof." Tom started approaching Marco, a flame growing in his hand. "Now, time to get rid of you Diaz, once and for-" Before he could finish, a bookshelf fell on top of Tom. Star came from behind the bookshelf, looking satisfied. "That shut him up," Star said.

She saw that Marco was still on the floor, looking unable to stand on his own. He had burns and tears all over his body. He had a bruised lip and a wounded eye.

"Marco, let me help you up" Star went down to his level, put his arm around her shoulders and started walking toward the exit. Once they were in broad daylight, they were relieved.

"I'm sorry I got us into this mess Marco. I shouldn't have trusted him," Star apologized. Marco sighed. "It's not your fault. I'm pretty sure he would've kept following us." Marco tried to lighten the mood. Star chuckled at his statement.

Marco still couldn't get what Tom said out of his mind. Should he ask Star about it, or would that be too weird?

"Hey Star?" By now, they were just standing in front of each other.

However, before Marco could say anything, out of nowhere, a large piece of rope wrapped around his body. He felt a massive amount of pain surge through his body. "ARGHHHHH" He yelled in pain. Chains started wrapping around his wrists and ankles, making the pain twice as worse. The pain was too much that Marco collapsed on the floor unconscious.

Cliffhangers be like . . .😈

What do you think happened to our precious Marco?

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now