"Does it have to be this way?"

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Night quickly turned into day. Hours passed by and Tom and Star still hadn't found Marco. Star wasn't planning on giving up though. She wasn't going to leave without him either. They've come too far to give up on each other.

"Star, I think we should just get outta here. We've been walking for hours and still haven't found Marco." Tom said exhausted.

"No. We can't just leave him out here. Even though we are "enemies", it wouldn't be fair.Friends don't leave each other behind and I'm sure he'd do the same for us." Star spoke confidently.

Tom gave up trying to argue back.

It was a few minutes before they spotted a lake nearby. "Well can we at least take a break. I found a lake up ahead." Tom asked. Star agreed, feeling parched. As they got closer, Star noticed a figure near the lake. It looked oddly familiar. She gasped, "Marco!" She rushed to his side and it was indeed Marco.

"Marco, wake up!" She started shaking Marco. "Huh?" Marco said, groggily waking up. "Marco!" She hugged him tightly while he was still laying down. "I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you angry and run away." "It's ok Star. It's not your fault, I just needed to think, but uh, can you get off me? I can't breath." Marco squeaked.

"Oh uh sorry." Star got off him and helped him up. "So where to?" Marco asked.

Tom spoke up, "Good to see you Marco." "Likewise" Marco said, not really meaning it. No one seems to notice though. "Anyways, at the rate we've been going, we should make it out of here in about a day." "That's amazing." Star said, smiling. Inside. Star was a little disappointed still. "In this case, we should have a day off. We've been working so hard, I think we deserve it.

"I'm down for it." Marco said. "What about you Tom?" Star asked. "You guys can go off, I have some business to take care off. On the way I can find some food for the night. Later guys." Tom waved them off before walking off.

Once Tom was far from hearing range, he brought out his device.

Sorry mistress, we might be a little late.

Late? I want them here NOW!

I know I know, but don't worry. Everything's going according to plan. I've gained their trust. Well, one of their trust.

What do you mean?

The boy seems suspicious of me, I can feel it. The girl, on the other hand, trusts me fully. But as long as the girl trusts me, the boy is not a problem. He just follows her around like a loser.

Perfect. Bring them to me as fast as you can.

Yes mistress.

"So what should we do first?" Star asked Marco. "Your choice." Star thought about it before saying, "Let's go swimming!" "Star, it's freezing right now since it's still the morning." "Fine but we're still doing it later. How about we just talk. Haven't done that in a while."

Marco sighed, relieved. "I'm fine with that."

The next few hours were spent with Marco and Star conversing happily with each other. It felt like their time in the cave. Their laughter could be heard throughout the forest.

"So, what are your plans after we leave the woods?" Marco asked Star. "I'm probably gonna be grounded by my dad for a long time." Star answered halfheartedly. "What about you?" "My mom is probably never gonna leave me out of her sight." They both laughed at their oddly similar situation.

It was silent for a while before Star stood up. She started undressing herself startling a flustered Marco. He quickly covered his eyes. "Star! What are you doing? Are you crazy?" "What. I'm going for a swim." She said calmly.


"No Diaz" emphasizing on Diaz. Sometimes she wondered who was the smart one here. "Imma wear my underwear. Same shit as a swimsuit. And so are you."

After she said that, Marco felt hands on his wrist pulling him up. Marco tried to resist but her hold was strong. Marco still refused to open his eyes.

"Ohhhh noooo no no no. I'm not stripping to my underwear." "Come on Marco, live a little. And open your eyes."

"No thank you."

"And why not. Ya scared?"

"What?! Pssh no. I just have morals and respect when it comes to women." Star's heart warmed a bit when he said that.

"Fine how about this. We both have our eyes closed until we're in the water." She suggested. Marco sighed knowing she wouldn't give up. He hesitantly answered, "Fine, close your eyes." "Already am." With that reply, Marco started to undress already regretting it. Once he was just in his boxers, he spoke. "Ok let's get this over with before Tom gets back." He heard a big splash immediately after. "Get in, the waters great."

Once Star was sure he was the water, she opened her eyes. "Open your eyes dork." She rolled her eyes. Marco peaked open one eye just to make sure he wouldn't see anything too revealing. Once he was good, he opened both eyes,  but was met with a big splash.  After Marco cleared his eyes of water, he was met with a smirking face.

"Oh, it's on." Marco declared.

*one water battle later*

Marco and Star laid themselves under the sun, drying. They put their clothes on after.

"You know, these past few days have been kinda fun." Marco said genuinely. "Yeah they have." Star said, agreeing with him.

"I'm gonna miss this, and . . ." Marco paused before continuing, "I'm gonna miss you."

Star sucked in a breath, not expecting to hear that.

"I'll miss you too but we can't see each other after this." It hurt Star to say that and Marco to hear that. He understood what she meant though. They made a deal. "Yeah, I know."

Star and Marco's pov

Does it have to be this way?

Today's my birthday🥳 #fuckquarantine

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now