"Wanna play 20 questions?"

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After the fire was set, Marco placed the fish over the fire with a piece of bark he found. They waited a couple of minutes before they were thoroughly cooked and began to eat them. Star was a bit picky with her fish but she ate it anyway. Marco on the other hand severely devoured his as if he hasn't eaten for a week. Star gave him a weird look. "What?" "Nothing nothing." Star said, looking away.

After they finished, they laid back on opposite sides of the cave.

"So" Marco spoke. "Wanna play 20 questions just to pass time?" "Sure, you go first." Star replied.

Marco is bold / Star is italicized

"Ok, how come you're not dead yet?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Well, you're a vampire. We've been walking in sunlight for goodness sake."

"Oh, hehe. For vampires, when you're born, the doctors insert a liquid into our DNA that makes us immune to the sun. Safe than sorry." "Huh, never thought of that." Marco said intrigued.

"My turn. How old are you?" "I turned 18 a few months ago."

"What about you, how old are you?" "I'm still 17 (how do vampires age lol). I turn 18 next week."

"What do you fear the most?" "Easy, silver and losing the ones I love the most." Marco spoke sincerely. Star mocked him, "Aww, you're a big ol softy." Marco ignored her comment. "Anyways, if you could rewrite your past, what's one thing you'd change?" Star wasn't hesitant to answer, "Being stuck with you." "That's one thing we can agree on." "What's one thing that brings a smile to your face, no matter the time of day?"

Marco smiled, "My mom." Star faced him, interested in what he was saying. "She's always been there for me. Ever since my dad died when I was a kid, she's been caring for me non-stop. She's so strong, even though she's hurt inside, and I respect her for that." Star noticed that when Marco spoke about his mom, his eyes glistened, he had no hint of sadness in his voice. She understood how he felt, she felt the same about her parents.

Marco, after speaking, noticed she was staring at him. He couldn't help but stare back. He couldn't quite explain it but the way she looked made his heart skip a beat. At the same time, he used this to his advantage. He smirked, "See something you like Butterfly." She looked away, cheeked tinted a little but it was noticeable against her pale skin. She scoffed. "Ha, you wish."

Oblivious to Marco, Marcos' thoughts replied to Star's response. Yeah, I do. Marco brushed it off. "Okay okay, a few more questions." "Have you ever been in love before?" Marco was shocked when that question came out of his mouth. So was Star. "Uh y-you don't have to answer that if you do-" "No it okay. I mean, it's just a game." She took a deep breath, "I had a boyfriend last year, his name was Johnny. He was amazing, you know, everything you could ever want in a significant other. I loved him so much.

Then one day, I went to go visit him for our 1 year anniversary. When I went inside, I saw him kissing another vampire. What made it worse was that she was more beautiful than me. I felt my heart drop and ran out of the house. He didn't even try to apologize. Ever since then, I try to avoid liking anyone else. I might seem strong but when it comes to love, I'm weak." Star's voice cracked.

It was silent for a while. Neither knew what to say. Marco has never seen Star act vulnerable before, even though they just met. How could someone like Star put herself down like that. It didn't match her sparky personality. "If it makes you feel better, you are beautiful no matter what anyone tells you. Also, I would beat up Johnny if I had the chance." Marco had a soft yet stern look on his face. That seemed to have lightened the mood.

Star chuckled, "Thanks Marco. You're not too bad yourself." "I know sweetheart" Marco said, jokingly flexing.

"Woah, careful there before your ego explodes." They shared a laugh. "Well" Marco spoke. "We better get some sleep, we need to cover a lot tomorrow if we're ever gonna make it back." "Oh, right" Marco noticed her voice had a tint of sorrow in it. He's probably imagining it. They both laid down opposite of each other.

"Night Diaz"

"Night Butterfly.

These two chapters are longer than my others lmaoo
Anyways, what'd you guys think?

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now