"With Love" (Last chapter)

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*With Marco*

When Marco arrived at the Werewolf Turf, he went straight to his house.

When he reached his house, he hesitated before opening the door. He opened it slowly to reveal his mom sitting on the couch.

Marco's mom turned her head toward the door and gasped.

"Marco!!" She ran to him and trampled him in a hug, Marco reciprocating  it.

"Hi mom." They were both crying, not believing what was happening.

She wiped her eyes, "W-what happened to you? Where did you go? Why are you so dirty and bruised everywhere?"

"Mom?" Marco stopped her. "I would answer all those questions but I'm pretty tired." "Oh right right. We can talk in the morning. I'll get dinner ready. You must be starving."

Marco started walking to his room, "Definitely, I missed your food ma."

Marco entered his room and saw that everything was the same as the day he disappeared. Good to be home.

Marco sat on his bed and opened the bag Star gave him. He saw an envelope and remembered Star gave him a letter. He took out the letter and started reading it:

Dear Marco,
        If you're reading this then I'm guessing you made it home safely. Who would have thought all this would happen. Remember when we met and we said to get along until after we saved ourselves? I guess we broke that deal. :) Marco, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. For not giving up on me. For saving my annoying ass every step of the way.

Marco chuckled at that part.

I'm sorry for any issues we had during our time together. I know that we barely got to know each other, especially with our different backgrounds. But I'm hoping we can change that. A stupid old heritage is not gonna stop me from seeing you again. Meet me at the bridge tomorrow at sunset. If you don't want to come, I understand.

            With Love, Star Butterfly<3

The sun was starting to come down. Wind blew through her hair as she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

She didn't want to get her hopes up but secretly, she hoped he would come.

The sun was almost set.

He's not coming.

Star sadly sighed, preparing to leave.
"You just couldn't wait to see me, could you sweetheart."

And that is the end of this story!!

Thank you guys for reading and sticking to this story. It means so much to me.

I honestly wish I wrote the ending and the whole story way better. So many ideas were swirling in my head but I couldn't find ways to form most of them in my writing. I promise to do better!

Stay tuned to my new fanfic coming up soon.

Hint: it's JanTom ;)

I love all of you guys and hope you all are doing ok during this time.

Til we meet again☺️🖤


Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now