"Get out of here"

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The three travelers were up bright and early. It was their last day in the woods and they couldn't wait to go home. Yet instead of the usual chatter dispersing among them, it was quiet. Marco and Star avoided each other as much as they could. Marco more than Star. They didn't know why but they felt like it would be awkward after what happened yesterday.

Marco's other reason for avoiding Star was because today was the Full Moon. He had totally forgotten about it until this morning. He felt a twitch in his ear and a strange urge in his body. He then remembered that Oscar told him those were going to happen the day of the full moon.

The full transformation wouldn't happen until later at night but Marco could already feel the power surging through him. He didn't want to accidentally hurt Star at any time. Tom, he wouldn't mind.

He knew this was a bad time for the full moon but at the same time he couldn't wait. After a werewolves first transformation, their strength would increase.

*time skip*

They had stopped around the evening time to eat their last meal in the woods together. They sat on a log with Tom in the middle and the two on the side, eating silently of what they had left.

The sky quickly turned dark. The moon was out, full and shining it's brightest. It was almost time for the full transformation. Marco had to get out of here.

He stood up from the log. "I need to go." He said in a strained voice. The transformation was starting. He quickly started to walk away.

"Marco, where are you going? We're almost out of here." Star shouted at him, following him.

"Leave me alone! Get out of here." He shouted at her. Star noticed a change in his voice but didn't pay much attention to it. At that second, Marco dropped to his knees. He had his head down and his hands on the ground.

"Marco!!" She ran to his side. "Tom, get over here something happened to Marco!!" Tom rushed over to Star's side. "What happened?"

"I-I don't know, he just dropped!"

At that moment, Marcos' transformation was taking its course. His clothes disappeared and were replaced with his brown hair. Hair was growing and covering his whole body. Sharp claws started to grow on his hair covered fingers and now paws. His eyes turned dark red and were sharper than ever. It was complete.

Tom grabbed Star and started to back away slowly. "M-Marco?" Star whispered. She heard a growl come from him.

W-Marco slowly turned his head to the two. He growled at them. "Star" Tom said, "We need to go. Now!" Tom and Star started running off, W-Marco chasing after them.

The two were fast, but the werewolf was faster. He started catching up to them. Tom tried to stall him. He shot fire balls at W-Marco but he avoided every one. Tom noticed that and suggested a plan.

"Star you go this way and I'll go that way. He can't chase both of us" Tom said panting.

Star nodded and started running the opposite way of Tom. W-Marco just had to be following her. She heard him fast approaching. She thought of a trick her dad taught her.

She steadied herself before jumping into a backflip and changing into a bat. She flew off in the opposite way of W-Marco. She made sure she kept enough distance between them before changing back.

She took a rest by a tree, resting her hand on it. She took deep breaths.

What the hell just happened?! Why did Marco change into a wolf, I mean he is a werewolf so I shouldn't be that surprised. But why is he chasing us and why so sudden? I mean li-

Star was tackled down to the ground in an instant. A heavy weight was on top of her. It growled.

Oh shit.

Star opened her eyes and was met with red angry ones. She tried to get him off of her but he was too strong. She changed into a bat so that she could escape. She tried to fly about but she bumped into a tree and fell, which changed her back. She rubbed her head, looked up and gasped. W-Marco had her cornered. He was staring at her and growling.

Star was actually scared for her life. "Marco, snap out of it!" He didn't budge. "Marco, it's me, Star Butterfly. I'm your friend." Star saw that his glare softened a bit. She used that to her advantage. She got a bit close to him.

"Remember, we're friends. We talked in the cave. We shared a laugh. We had fun in the lake yesterday. Remember that?"

As if he could understand her, he nodded his head. He wasn't glaring at her anymore. He moved closer to her and snuggled his head into her neck. Instantly, he froze. He then closed his eyes and fell to his side. "Marco?!" She saw a dart in his fur. "What the?" She heard footsteps, so she looked up and saw Tom walking toward them. She first noticed his dart gun in his hand.

She gasped but immediately after, she felt a pain in her shoulder. She felt drowsy, her eyes starting closing and she felt herself hit the ground.

The last thing she saw was Tom walking toward them with a smirk on his face.


Guys, I've already started thinking about writing a Miraculous AU book? I even have a cover page ready lmaoo. Would y'all like that?

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now