"Hi there"

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*The next morning*

The sun had been bright, giving light to the inside of the cave and waking the two up from their slumber. Marco had stirred a bit before being fully awake, yet still lying down. He looked up to the roof of the cave, eyes squinting at the immense sunlight. He sat up a few minutes after. He scratched his bed hair and uninterestingly looked around the cave. On the other side of the cave laid Butterfly. Her limbs were evenly spread out around her. He noticed her mouth was slightly open, drool pouring out of it.

Marco walked over to where she was to attempt to wake her up. He kept shoving her shoulder, "Star. Hey Star, wake the fuck up" She eventually woke up with an annoyed look on her face.

"You ever heard of beauty sleep cause that's what I need." He spoke back with sarcasm, "Ha, you definitely need beauty sleep with that face of yours." "Ha ha, you could use one for yourself too." "Whatever Butterfly," Marco said while standing up. "Get up, we need to keep going and stay on track."

Once they were both wide awake, they set off out of the cave. Unbeknownst to them, they were being followed.

*different pov*

I've spotted them.

Good, don't let them out of your sight.

Yes mistress.

*back to before*

Marco and Star continued their journey to anywhere except where they were. Marco was having a hard time navigating. It seemed as if they were going in circles, round and round. Everywhere looked the same to him. Of course, he wouldn't let Star know that. He would get an earful from her.

Star on the other hand knew he was lost, it was obvious. "Diaz, do you know where we're going?" she asked, arms crossed on her chest. Marco scoffed, "What? Of course I do." "Mhm, I know you don't, I can see it on your face." "You can't see it on my face Butterfly."

"Uh Diaz. . ."

"You know, you could be a little helpful. . ."

"Marco. . ."

"I literally do everything and-"


"Huh?" That's when Marco noticed that no one was next to him. "Turn around dofus!" When Marco turned around, he saw what had happened. Star had stepped into quicksand . . . and was sinking quickly.

"Get me out of here Diaz!" The quicksand was already at hip length. Marco thought about it, he could use this to his advantage. He smirked. "I'll help you out but only if you set up for the night." By now, the mud was just below her chest. "Fine whatever, just get me out of here!"

Marco went toward Star and reached out for her hands. She grabbed on before they could also get stuck in the quicksand.

"Ok, I'm going to pull on 3. 1... 2... 3" On 3, Marco used all his strength and pulled Star out of the quicksand. Star was immediately released but with Marco's pull, it resulted in Marco falling back and Star coming down with him. Lucky for Star, Marco saved her fall. Unluckily for Marco, the force from Star made him hit the back of his head hard on the ground.

"Oh my god Marco are you okay?" Star said worryingly, holding his head. Neither seemed to realize the position they were in. Star's knees were straddled on Marco's sides, one hand on his chest and the other behind his head. "Here, let's get up." Star got off of Marco then helped him up as well. When they were standing, Star still had her hands in the same position.

Marco placed his hand behind his head as well, placing his on top of Stars, looking down. "Thanks. And no worries, I'm fine." When Marco looked up at Star, Star was already staring back at him. He noticed something in my face. She looked really worried, her eyes glistened. He couldn't look away, it was a mesmerizing side. The two didn't realize they were moving closer toward each other. They were 2 inches away, then 1 inch, half an inch. . . . . . . .

"Hi there"

I'm evil😈

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now