"Not forever"

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When she got to the dungeon, she checked to see if any guards were there before continuing.

She made her way down to Marco's cell and saw him sleeping. Aww cute.

She unlocked the cell which woke Marco up. "Oh, hey Star," Marco yawned.

"Hey" She sat down next to him and gave him the food.

"Here, eat up." He took the food gladly and started eating. They started talking about random topics, enjoying each others' company.
Star smiled sadly.

I'm gonna miss this.

Marco had just finished his food. "Hey are you ok?" He asked worriedly. "Hm, oh yeah. Ready to go?" She said ignoring the question. "Uh yeah"

They both stood up. Marco asked, "So, what's the plan?" "I-i'll tell you outside." She said hesitantly.

They started heading outside. They tried to avoid making any noise. Once they were outside, Star suggested they walk slowly. Marco assumed it was part of her plan so he didn't say anything.

They started walking, looking up at the sky. The stars sparkled in the night sky.

"The stars look beautiful tonight." Star said.

"You know what's more beautiful?" asked Marco.

"Don't say it. I know what you're going to say."

Marco responded jokingly, "What do you mean? I was gonna say me but I guess you apply to it too."

"Shut up Diaz" They both laughed and continued walking in silence.

Star noticed they were getting closer to their destination. Marco seemed to notice too.

"Star, what exactly is your plan." They stopped. Star figured she might as well tell him. She looked him straight in the eye. "Marco, you need to go back to your home."

Marco's eyes widened. "W-what?" "Marco, my dad and the other soldiers were planning to kill you. I can't have that happen, not if I can do anything to stop it."

"But Star, we can think of something, anything to convince them." Marco pleaded.

"I was considering that but after I heard their plan, I decided otherwise for your safety ."

"I can't have you killed Marco. You have family and friends to see that you haven't seen in a long time. Risking you being killed or not would make me selfish."

She held his hands, Marco holding her tightly. "You've helped me so much, now it's my time."

Marco sighed. "So how exactly will I get home?"

Star opened her bag and took out the book she had. She opened to a page that had a map on it. "This book has a map of the whole forest."

She pointed. "This is where you're going through. It's like a secret passageway that Exoria can't get in so it's safe. You'll know you're halfway when you see a bridge." She handed Marco the book and the bag. "What's the bag for?"

"I packed it with more food, a flashlight and water. Ain't no way I'm sending you off without anything." Star smiled, proud of herself.

"Wow, I'm impressed Butterfly." He chuckled but then frowned.

"So this is it huh?" "Not forever Marco." Star replied. Marco raised an eyebrow. "When, and only when you get home, there's a note inside. Read it."

It got silent.

"I'll miss you." Marco declared. "I'll miss you too," Star replied, tearing up a bit.

"One last 'goodbye' before I go?" Marco asked cheekily. Star laughed and brought Marco down to meet lips. They savored it, for it might be their last moment together for a long time. They separated and gave each other a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

"Thanks for an amazing adventure."

"Anytime Star, anytime."

They separated.

"See you later Bufferface" Marco said, jokingly.

"Bye Barfo" She laughed.

Marco gave one more genuine smile before walking off.

As Star watched him enter the wood, she couldn't help but think what her dad will say when he finds out. She didn't care though, Marco was alive and safe.

One more chapter🥺

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now