"We got a wolf to take down."

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*Back at Vampire Empire*

A commotion could be heard all over town. The same news came out of everyone's mouth. The general's daughter was missing. There was a meeting going to be held at the center, led by General River. Almost everyone gathered around to see what he had to say. (in this story, the general is like the king or chief).

G. River started to speak. "Dear citizens of V. Empire. I'm sure you've heard the news of my daughter, Star, going missing. It's been hard for us, especially Moonp-, I mean Mother Moon and I. But don't freight, we will bring her back. To start off, does anyone have a lead as to where she could have gone?"

It was silent until "I do." Everyone turned toward the voice.

"Janna, step forth and tell me what happened." Janna took a deep breath before speaking. "It was about a night ago, Star and I were messing around at night and we decided to play hide-and-seek", she squinted before finishing,, ". . . . . . . . in the Black-Hearted Woods.

A riot broke. Gasps and shouts were heard everywhere.

The Black-Hearted Woods!

Were they crazy!


I heard no one survives there.

What if the sorceress got her!

You really believe in that crap?

What if a werewolf kidnapped her?!

After that last statement all hell broke loose. People were screaming, running in circles and crying. "Settle down vamps, settle down!" shouted River. Once it got quiet, Janna's dad, G. River's second-in-command spoke. (let's call him Ryan)

"Janna Prisilla Ordinia! What were you doing in the Black-Hearted Woods! You know that is forbidden!"

"I know i know, I'm sorry dad. It won't happen again."

"I'll think of your punishment later. Is there any information that will be vital for us. Speak truthfully." Janna hesitated before speaking, "I might have heard a . . . .werewolf howl in the woods." (let's just say Marco howled when they fell)


Hell broke loose again. "People!" said River, "Go back to your houses and lock your doors and windows. Do not come out until further notice." Everyone, children, adults, elderly, ran to their houses. Janna's dad turned to River. "What's the move General?" "First, we get these people to safety. After, gather the men and get the silver supply. We got a wolf to take down."

Fangs and Claws: A Starco Vampire/Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now