Chapter 3 - Grian's Trying, Leave him alone

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Not my song. Illymation is a great and amazing Animater and this song fits perfectly with this story. @Illymation on YouTube. Thanks. I didn't realize you guys liked Depressed Grian. #WeWantMoreDepressedGrian by DangerAngel2 

TW - Usage of OC, Suicdal thoughts, Trauma

Champion POV 

I try my wings and tear my shirt. "Crap." I muttered under my breath. Luckily I took off my jacket so no one will notice. I start flying around the area at first, and it is amazing seeing Doc and Bds beautiful house and Mount Goatmore. I land on Goatmore's head and sit down on the rough stone and sigh. It's a beautiful night and I wish Diamond was here. But he wasn't. He was in a different world. I haven't seen him for so long I can't even think of his face. I bet I couldn't even recognize him if I did.

Grian's POV

I'm going to go fly. I'm tired and sore but my wings need to be let free before they drag me down. I walk out of my hobbit hole and take off my jumper. I'm going to have to ask Champion to sew my shirt underneath though. Thinking of Champion as I fly up. Champion had spilled her guts on the table for him. She reminds me of my old friend. Then I winced. Another friend I left behind.

I take off and fly into the sky. I look around and see Bumbo Baggins Hole and Stress's tiny island. I fly across the ocean and towards Doc's Mount Goatmore. I need to get a good look at this in person. I hadn't looked around the world and everyone's base. I hadn't seen anyone. I didn't want to see anyone.

"They don't understand!" I yell aloud. My arm hurts suddenly. I was doing it less but the urges still came. Half of me kept saying No, stop, If Champion can do it still can you. But the other half keeps saying Just because Champion survived doesn't mean you have to. You don't don't deserve it but Champion did. Xisuma saw that and that's why he helped Champion and not you. And sadly that side kept winning. It was getting worse and nothing Champion or Mumbo or Anyone could change that.

I reach Docs base and see Winter sitting on the goat's head. My heart skips a beat before I realize it's Champion. I really didn't want to see her tonight or anyone. Wait crap, its Champion. She'll see me. I fly to Joe's and jump in one of his boats. He won't mind. But he will. I row to Doc's bay and Champion waves to me from Mount Goatmore. I slowly climb to the top and sit next to her.

"What's up?" I ask.

"The sky." She replies simply. I chuckle and look at the sky.

"I think phantoms are on their way because I was one coming from across the sky over there." She points to where I was coming from. I don't realize but I gasp loudly and she sniffles laughter.

"I'm pretty sure they were going for Joe though. Don't worry." She smiles and frowns at my face.

"Are you really that scared of phantoms?" I must have looked terrified because not only did she see me, she saw me dive towards Joe.

"I guess I am." I mumble. Jeez, I wish Mumbo was here. He would be able to get me out of this crap. You shouldn't be here. She won't find out if you can't tell her.

"What are you doing here at this time? This time her face falls.

"Just looking at the stars. It's really pretty on top of Mount Goatmore." I nod but somehow like me, she's avoiding telling me the real thing. You are too. There's a voice in your head that wants you dead. We sit there for a while and she falls asleep laying against one of the Goat's large horns.

Champion POV.

I wake up to a trident hitting me in the side. I jump and look around. The owner of the trident is Doc. He hits Grian who has the same response.

"SCRAM!" He yells. "Mount Goatmore is not a homeless shelter!" Grian quickly runs down to the boat and rows as fast as he can. I, however, did not move.

"Champion, you can't stay here all the time you know." I nod slowly and look down. Doc sighs.

"If you want to talk, meet me at zi-zuma's honey farm in half an hour." I nod and dive off the goats head and into the water and use my wing to swim to X's farm. Yes, I do need to talk.

Xisuma Pov

An elytra flying white puppy came hurling at me and landed right beside me. Champion smiles sheepishly.

"Are you ok?" She shakes her head.

"I feel like Grian is hiding something." I look at her.

"Yeah we all know he's not ...happy at the moment." She sits down on a log.

"Something more. I think more than one thing is wrong. First he was acting super hardcore G.O.A.T mode. Not stopping to eat or drink or sleep." I sigh and sit next to her.

"That's what depression does to you." I have flashbacks of when Champion would continually make the giant shards around his farm. I did four and she did eight more all around them. And she wouldn't stop. And she would decorate and make them bigger then she would start making the insides better.

"No, weirder. Last night when we were sitting on Mount Goatmore he was scared of phantoms. Like really scared."

"I don't think he is scared of phantoms," I say and immediately regret it. I told him I wouldn't tell people. Grian trusted me. I can't let this slip.

"What do you-" We're cut off by Doc who walks over to us, whistling.

"Sorry. Did you want me to come back?" He asks, pointing his thumb back the way he came.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I say and Champion frowns. Doc sits on the log facing them.

"Champion, What's up." So she did have a plan or something of some sort.

"I have a hunch. You can laugh if you want. It is a bit ridiculous. I think Grian is a watcher too." Doc bursts into laughter then stops when I look her in the eyes through my visor.

"Are you sure, Champion?" I ask and she nods.

"Dead serious." I look at Doc and back at her.

"What do you want to do?" He asks.

"I want to tell him." 

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