Chapter 1 - Mumskall

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TW - Shipping

It was a busy day on the hermitcraft server, as it always was and Iskall was casually strolling towards Tango's farms looking for the redstoner who made all these farms. He saw Tango and then panicked and immediately sped-walked in the opposite direction.  As he gets to the toon town buildings,  Iskall giggles immaturely and taking a glimpse over in the general direction. However the third time he looked he saw a red faced Tango and an equally embarrased Impulse storming towards him. He panicks and looks quickly into his inventory to equipt his elytra. Sighing as he remebers he let Stress borrow it, Iskall sighs and turns around to hear the music. Tango narrows his eyes at the Swede who felt like he was going to start sweating under the pressure of their facial expressions. 

"What did you see exactly?" Impulse asks and Iskall tries to hide a grin. 

"You two making out~" He says and Impulse and Tango look at each other before looking at him again.
"Don't tell anyone or I swear Iskall-" Iskall nods and bolts to the ocean towards the giant Mooshroom island. He climbs in the boat and rows quickly as he hears fireworks go off around him. Suddenly a dark shadow flys over him and he looks up to find his mustached boyfriend flying over him. Mumbo smiles and dives towards the boat but misses slightly and lands in the water. Iskall laughs as he reaches his hand out to pull Mumbo to the boat.

"Missed," Mumbo laughs and nearly loses his grip but iskall pulls him close and kisses him quickly before pulling the drenched hermit onto the boat. Iskall starts rowing again with Mumbo in the back and starts whistling.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Mumbo asks and Iskall smiles.

"Team ZIT is back in town." Mumbo laughs. 

"Care to remind me who that is again?"

"Well technically ZIT is Zed, Impuse and Tango however I only saw Tango and Impulse. I'm pretty sure Zed is busy with his hollow cave." Mumbo nods and they reach the island. Mumbo and Iskall hadn't made their relationship official, as in telling the other hermits, just yet as Mumbo was honestly kind of scared of what they'd think. Weren't they all cheering for him and Grian? It didn't really make sense to Mumbo in all honesty, Grian was his best friend, sure, but them together? Mumbo lately hadn't exactly been in the mood to disapoint the rest of the hermits, which Iskall understood. Mumbo technically wasn't even really actually out of the closet, he could definitely be straight for all the hermits knew.

"Are you ok?" Iskall asks as he helps the redstoner out of the boat. Mumbo nods in apperication and Iskall goes to kiss him again after checking no one was around but Mumbo pulls away. 

"What?" Iskall says and looks around and spots someone flying away very quickly, using so many rockets he swears they'll run out soon. Mumbo pecks Iskall's cheek before zooms off after the hermit. As he gets closer, the hermit zooms faster, his red sweater blowing in the wind. Mumbo frowns and tries his best to fly faster, which isn't exactly how elytras worked but he tried. Mumbo lands at the Grians base and calls his name but he's gone from sight.

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