Chapter 1 - Grians trying, leave him alone.

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TW- Suicidal thoughts, Trauma, Self Harm

Grian sits on the roof of a high jungle tree, looking up at the sky. The sky was filled with millions of stars and, if you went to kindergarten, you would know each star was a planet. Grian certainly knew that, though he didn't actively remember Kindergarten. He knew that some were bigger and bolder and brighter then others so they were more popular and some were named. Bit of favouritism by scientists sure, but at least any of them had names. Some stars however, were tiny and barely visable so they were more known for their group, their little cluster.  Grian sighs. He had no clue how this was supposed to be calming himself, this was just making his headspace worse. His head pounds and he tries to sit up properly and groans. Moving was never this hard. Probably all those times he stayed up all night were starting to get to him. It wasn't his fault he didn't sleep though. Insomina mixed in with a little of nightmares was going to keep anyone awake. So he sat here, every night, instead. Or he would be at some other hardworking hermits house, normally Mumbo or Xisumas, watching and helping them work before they went to bed early the next morning.  

Grian looks up at the stars and sighs again. If he was a star, he would defiently be a smaller one. He hears the whoosh of an elytra and tries to smile as Mumbo lands beside him and wraps his arm around his buddy, pulling him close. Grian leans towards Mumbos warmth and Mumbo smiles before frowning at Grian's expression. 

'You okay Grian?' The mustached redstoner asks and Grian remains silent for a moment. 

"Have you ever wondered if you've stuffed up some point in your life and now you're living the consequences?" Grian asks and Mumbo shakes his head. 

"No. Do you?" Grian looks down to all the mobs and animals walking around at the bottom of the tree and watches a wild wolf chase a skeleton, getting shot once before killing it. The wolf happily grabs the bones and runs out of sight. 

"Yeah." He says simply because he knows it's true. He doesn't have to wonder. 


Mumbo knew his friend wasn't having the best time of his life at the moment. He just didn't know why. He didn't think that he had done anything wrong because he just seemed tired and over-worked, stuff constantly on his mind that never used to be. They sit in silence for a while before his communicator goes off and he checks it real quick when he's sure Grian's looking at the sky. 

ChampionMA -> MumboJumbo: Just heard from Iskall you're checking up on Grian. Is he okay?

MumboJumbo -> ChampionMA: no :/ 

He puts it away and looks at Grian.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Grian nods, still staring at the stars. 

"Eventually." It wasn't what he wanted but it was better than a single no.

Professor Beak flies over to them and sits on Grians leg and he smiles and pets it. Mumbo smiles and also pats the bird before Grian sighs and turns to his best friend. He panics and tries to control his breathing 

"Mumbo, life sucks sometimes doesn't it."

"It had its ups and downs." Mumbo says, trying to remain positive but he can tell by his friends face that isn't going to be good. 

"I was once part of a big server called Evo. I was even Admin." He nervously laughs, trying his best to downgrade the situation. 

"But then something happened. My best friend, Taurtis died in the end. A glitch was happening and he kept respawning and falling and dying again and again into the void. I don't even know how. I tried my best to save him but he died too many times. I moved to this server because everything reminded me of him. But the other day Cub said something and I haven't been able to look at him since."

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