(MAC) - Must Have Been The Wind

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TW - Mentions of Abuse, Swearing 

Grian POV

I walk up the stairs towards my apartment and as I open my door I hear something smash. I run in and look around and nothings smashed. My imagination again. I walk into the kitchen and put the shopping bags up onto the counter. I hear a girl crying from the room above and I pause.
I hope she's ok. I think to myself as I take out the milk and put it into the fridge.
Fuck it. I walk back out of my room, taking the keys with me and I walk up the stairs to the next level.
"If my maths is correct, which it should, this is it," I say to myself as I walk up to a door and knock. A girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. She has a pink jumper on and the zipper is up to her chin. Her eyes look red, either from crying or tiredness.
"Are you ok? I heard something and I wanted to check," She smiles.
"Thank you. I didn't hear anything though. You're the neighbour below us right? Charlie? My name is Natalie," I smile and shake her hand and it shocks me how cold it is. 

"Charles. Are you sure you didn't hear anything? I thought I heard something from this room," Natalie walks backwards and gets ready to close the door.

"It Must Of Been The Wind," And she closes the door, leaving me in the hallway. 

_-* TiMe SkIp*-_

I lay on the ground listening to the sounds of the apartments. It's less lonely if you listen to the life in the other apartments. The sound of kids playing, the sound of cooking, the sound of someone playing guitar and singing softly to themselves. Suddenly I hear a slap and crying. I grab my jumper and quickly speed walk up the stairs. I knock on the door and I get no answer at first. I wait few minutes then knock again. Natalie opens the door with a hoodie on.

"Oh hey Charles. Whatca doing here?" She says nicely and I have to smile back.

"I heard something again," Her face falls but quickly goes into a smile again.

"Thanks for caring, that's nice of you but I have to go back in, I didn't hear a thing,"

She said, "It must have been the wind," And she closes the door and leaves me in the hallway again. 

_-*TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT To YoU By DoC BeCaUsE EvErYtHiNg Is DoC*-_

I turn on my CD player and put on "Lean On Me" just so she knows she can lean on me and i hope if she listens to the words she'll know she'll be ok. I start singing,

"Promise I'm not playing tricks on you, You're always welcome to come in. You could stay here for an hour or two if you ever need a friend. We can talk about the noise, when you're ready, but 'til then,

'I'll say, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind
Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"
I'll say, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind
Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind'

If anything is wrong please understand that people are there to help you and people always care about you, always. I know I care- Champy  

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