Oneshot - A Suprising Lesson: Etho and Biffa

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Ok so I don't know exactly what I'm doing and how it's going to turn out but it's my first requested chapter by hxrmits. And Duskstorm1 for the title.

TW - Shipping, 

Etho whistles to himself as he makes something that he has really no clue what it is but is going to make it anyway and listens to the radio. He taps his foot as he places blocks and gets in the rhythm of it so he doesn't realise Biffa walking up to him from behind. Biffa taps him on the shoulder and Etho jumps at the touch. He turns and sees Biffa awkwardly waving at him.

"Hey Biffa! What's up?" Etho says and Biffa shrugs.

"Listen, I need a bit of advice or something like that." Biffa mumbles the last part and Etho grins and swings his arm around his back.

"I'm the best advice giver ever!" Biffa rolls his eyes but plays along.

"I- um- See- The thing is-" Etho sighs dramatically.

"I like Xisuma. Like, like like." Biffa mumbles.

"Like, like, like like like."

"Yeah, like, like, like like."

"Like, like, like like like like like."

"Ok, I get it, I get it. I have a crush on someone."

Etho smirks.

"Of course a big softie like you would have a crush." Biffa blushes.

"And I need some help with-"

"Your pajamas"

"Kissing- WAIT WHAT!!" Etho bursts into a laughing fit. Biffa looks slightly disturbed as he rolls his eyes.

"Come now, Etho I'm serious." Biffa tries and Etho grabs his hand and drags him over to the inside of his base.

"Sit down." Etho points as a small seat, just big enough for a large dog to sit on. The room is filled with things to train dogs with. Etho notices the confusion in Biffa's face and says,

"What? It's the only classroom I've got. Now sit down." Biffa sighs and ignores the seat.

"So," Etho says in a deep voice and the two of them burst in laughter.

"Sorry, continue Sir-" And Biffa's sentence is cut off by the two of them laughing.

"So, this is your first crush and you don't know anything about kissing. What do you do?" Biffa blinks.

"I don't think that's the right question Etho."

"Pfffft. Um-" For the first time in forever, Etho stumbles for words.

"It's pretty simple. You just kinda um-" Etho sighs.

"Sorry, It's kinda just natural. You just kinda like someone and the mood is set and it just-" Biffa walks up to him and quickly kisses him.

"Like that?" Ethos silent for a moment and his face goes blank.

"Etho? Did I do something wrong?" Biffa asks. Etho blushes, his white candaiden face going red.

"No, I'm ok. I just didn't expect it." And the two men stand there awkwardly for a while.

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