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Your POV:
I was in my house alone. I was never lucky and I never had a girlfriend, so I didn't have anyone to confide in. The antidepressants weren't working anymore and the doctor said, that these are the strongest avaible on the market, so my depression was getting stronger and stronger every day. Luckily, today was my day off, so I could go somewhere outside my house. It was the end of September and it was raining yesterday, so I have decided to go collect some mushrooms. It reminds me about old, good times, when I, my brother and my father always went to the forest and came back with a full bucket of mushrooms.

I have grabbed my keys, driving licence and other documents and drove to the forest. The day was sunny with only two small clouds on the sky. However, I had to focus on the road and not on the sky. I didn't want to cause an accident. Luckily, forest was pretty close, only two kilometers away from my house. I have parked my car and went to the forest.

Trees looked glamorous today, beautiful mix of green, yellow, red, orange and brown leaves on them was one of the reasons why I always liked autumn. But today, the leaves weren't my goal. I was here to collect the fruit of the autumn's ground. Of course, mushrooms weren't fruits, but the I really liked that name since the early childhood.

I didn't have to go deep inside the forest, because there were so many mushrooms. However, there was something, that forced me to go deeper. I have heard somebody running. I didn't know, who that was, but I had to check. Suddenly, I saw a woman running away from two grown man in suits, that looked like a soldiers. I quickly hid behind a tree, and then I have heard gun shots. The woman screamed and fell on the floor. I didn't want to move a muscle, I was so scared. Suddenly, I have heard their conversation:

Soldier 1: Alright, lets finish her.

Soldier 2: Lets not waste ammunition. With these wounds, she won't survive few minutes here. Lets go back to the facility and tell the director, that we have killed her.

Soldier 1: Maybe you are right. Ok, screw that, lets go, but quickly, others can be here too.

I have heard how they ran away. I approached the woman, rolled her over and looked at her face. I was stunned. She looked like a Korean female, similiar age to mine, but I have noticed, that she had different ears. Ears, that looked like fox's ears. I tried to stop her bleeding, and because I knew how, I was able to reduce the blood loss. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there and tried to save her. She was unconscious, but she was still breathing. Suddenly, I saw two red reptiles walking at me. One of them looked at me and the girl. For my surprise, he spoke with a human voice:

Reptile: What... Did you do to her?

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