Ch14 Flower Dragon

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Sonic once again zoomed around South Island in search of Greenhouse Zone.
He had finnaly reached it and panting walked in- which didn't help seeing as it was like sixty degrees in there.
"Ello Buddy choo alrigh there?" Sonic looked up and saw a kangaroo waving at him. He was clipping bushes with gigantic scissors.
"Could... Do with a drink..." said Sonic doubled up and clutching his stomach. The Kangaroo grabbed a large beaker, stumbled over to a lake and filled it.
He hurried up to Sonic and tipped it towards his mouth.
"Drink it all up matey!"
Sonic unaware that this water had bits of gunk inside, drank it gratefully. He wiped his mouth and stood up.
"Thanks" he said refreshed. "I'm Sonic" he held out his hand to shake the Kangaroo's .
"I'm Mr Kangaroo but my friends call me Kang." replied Kang taking his hand. They shook and Sonic started explaining.
"I'm looking for the Black Beauty flower."
"Oooh the Black Beautie?" Kang replied, "No one's ever asked for that one before!"
"Why?", asked Sonic curious.
"Because.... Kang led him over to a separate enclosure, "It's guarded by this thing!"
Sonic looked up to see a dragon about twelve feet tall and made entirely out of entangled flowers.
It heaved fire at the sight of it's visitors.
"The flower is right behind it." continued Kang. "If you defeat it..."
But Sonic was already off shredding through vines which tried to capture him. He swerved round and round the dragon's snarling face and it's jaws were soon clamped shut by it's own tendrils of stem.
As the Dragon was distracted by it's Taraggulated muzzle, Sonic dashed over to the huge perfectly black flower and seized it with all his might. The dragon suddenly froze.
Sonic bowed as Kang applauded him ("Bravo!, Bravo!") And Sonic dashed out of Greenhouse Zone feeling particularly worn out as he headed towards the waiting Breezie.

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