Ch13 - Legendary Chilli Doug

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Let's hope to get at least 10 reads on this chapter eh? Enjoy!

Sonic zoomed through South Island's many zones some hot, some cold and some..... Too wet.
Sonic hated water so when he fell into a water zone, he nearly drowned before realising that the water came up to his ankles.
Wind trailed from his little feet as he zoomed faster and faster sometimes accidentally blowing little animals away.

10 Hours Later
Sonic had finnaly arrived in Arctic Zone and already had icicles hanging from him. In the distance, he could see smoke rising from a barbeque. After that came a beautiful smell. Sonic now slow from the musty cold walked over to a big Polar bear who was humming to a radio which sat on a huge block of ice. Hysterical, Sonic began to speak.
"I-i-i've c-come for th-hhe f-f-famous chilli dog you s-sell." The bear looked at the Hedgehog in amusement.
"You look cold!" He said casually.
"Y-ya think?" replied Sonic his teeth now chattering.
"100 rings please!" Said the Bear banging on a cash register.
Sonic pinched himself and out of thin air spilled around 100 rings.
He lost a life.
The bear handed Sonic the Chilli dog wrapped in paper and the hedgehog zoomed off as fast as he could

Another 10 Hours Later
Sonic finnaly arrived back in Desert Canyon Zone, weather-beaten and overwhelmed with tiredness. He flopped to the ground with his hand open with the chilli dog.
"Oh my hero!" said Breezie running over and snatching the legendary food from his hand.
She unwrapped it and sniffed the beautiful scent.
"Sonic!" shouted Tails and he ran over to his friend pulling him up.
Sonic brushed himself off and ran to Breezie.
"Anything else you need?" He said eager.
"No!" shouted Tails enraged. Sonic is going on no more trips!"
But Breezie just ignored him and continued.
"There is a certain flower grown 5000 miles from here. It's called the Black Beauty. It's sold by an old kangaroo. Would you be a beauty and get it for me pretty please?" (She bashed her eyelashes which seemed to take effect on Sonic)
"No!" shouted Tails. "Can't you see how tired he is?!"
"Oh he's not tired!" said Breezie dismissing him. However, this was an outrageous claim seeing as Sonic was sitting on the ground panting like a dog.
Once he had gotten air into his lungs he stood up and said: "Over  and gone!" (Rather wheezily) and was gone in a flash.
"You're up to something!" said Tails to Breezie as she turned away. He folded his arms impatiently. "Well you are aren't you?!" Breezie turned finnaly with a sneer on her face.
"Well if you must know, yes I am up to something!" But it's not as if you will have the chance to dwell on the thought once I'm done with you!" Before Tails could act, Breezie seized him by one of his Tails, swung him round and let him go...
Tails screamed as he sailed through the air and landed in a river which carried him away.
The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Breezie looking triumphant.

What will happen to Tails? Has he drowned? What about ROBOTNIK? What about Sonic? What about Scratch and Grounder? What about Knuckles? It will all be discovered in the coming chapters. Peace out!

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