Chapter 1

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He was across the bar from her. His dark and neatly trimmed curly hair concealed his forehead

and neck; the bandanna was so tightly wound that it hurt. The happy prints of nerd glasses all over

the fabric was of no relief in reality.

Lizzy's best friend, Kendall, noticed Harry staring and told her. "Look." Kendall nudges Lizzy's

elbow. "He's checking you out."

Lizzy looks up to catch the gaze of an attractive young man with deep brown curls looking at her.

He raises his glass at her and she returns with the same motion, careful not to go red in the face.

She shoots this alluring stranger a small smile, not indicative of anything just yet.

"Go say hello." Kendall butts Lizzy's drink with her own.

"What?" Lizzy shakes her head. "No."

"Come on, you're twenty one now, Liz. Let loose."

"Absolutely not. I have to be home by half nine."

"Your folks aren't even at home. Just go."

Kendall has been too supportive as a friend, and often it's gotten them into deep and undesired

trouble. It was only eight, maybe one drink and a chat with this mysterious guy wouldn't kill her

or rob her of her curfew privileges.

"Alright. I'm going." Lizzy drowns the remainder of her Bells before placing the glass back on the

assigned coaster.

She musters up her courage that such a short while ago had not existed, and treads in high heels

over to the seat beside this perfect stranger.

Harry pretends to take no notice of her, sipping his Jack Daniels like the glass rim was the lips of a

beautiful woman. Bottom's up. He toasts to the bartender who refills his glass knowing Harry's

never been late or ignorant when it came to settling his tab.

"Hi." Lizzy tries to initiate a form of verbal communication but she was nervous. "I'm Lizzy."

Harry glances at her from the corner of his emerald eye, only briefly taking in her tight dress and

bangled wrists. She had dirty blonde hair. His bandanna felt tighter and he let it be.

"Harry." He responded. "Your friend is staring at us."

Lizzy's head snaps to the left, indeed Kendall was observing their interaction. Lizzy gestures for

her to leave them alone and Harry chuckles at their childish way.

"Sorry about her." Lizzy returns to the drabs of their conversation.

Harry says nothing, holding the glass tumbler tilted just right so that the flow of alcohol was aptly


Lizzy feels uncomfortable, like a cloud mass of humiliation has swept over her. She asks the

bartender for a drink like the one she had earlier. Harry takes pity on her, he only had so much

time too.

"I haven't seen you here before." He lowers his hand with the glass.

Lizzy's eyes brighten then return to normal. "I-It's my first time here."

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