Chapter 24

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I am not like other people. I am burning in Hell. The Hell of myself.


Louis took the act of no hand-holding to be a silent staking of his claim by Harry on him. He was charmed, but also irrationally offended that Harry needed a reason to be sweet.

Harry, on the other side of the penny, had taken no notice at all of his Lou's reaction to what he'd done. He just thought that there'd be no point in walking the couple meters to the table with their hands locked, in the end they'd have to let go anyway.

"Which table?" Harry gives the choice to Louis.

"Um. The booth over there." Louis makes a quick motion to point at the booth before the last, pressed up against the glass pane.

They sit down and find menus already on their table, along with a sticky and unavoidable table surface. Harry refrains from touching it at all while Louis seems to be undeterred by it.

"What do you want?" Harry asks, eyes glued to the laminated folder.

"I'm actually not that hungry."

Harry scowls at Louis from across the table. "You have to eat."

"I will. I just don't want to eat a lot right now."

"Why not?"

"I feel a little sick actually."

And the look on Harry's face transforms to one of concern. "What hurts?"

"Stomach and I feel a bitchy headache coming on."

"Do you want to leave? We can just go home and I'll make you tea."

"No, I'm fine. I feel bad now that the waiter's staring at us from behind the counter. Don't look."

But of course Harry looks and that only means to their server that they're ready to order. Louis

chuckles and leaves Harry to order a basket of chicken strips and chips with two milkshakes.

"Do you want me to get you a tablet or-"

"Harry, I'm not dying." Louis laughs but enjoys the feel of the cold glass window on his temple.

The milkshakes come first and Louis plays with the straw while Harry attempts to drink.

"Need help?" Louis raises his eyebrow.

"No. It's just um......really thick." Harry frowns.

"Diner food, babe. Some of the worst around."

At that Harry's frown deepens and his heart drops. "I'm going to have cholesterol problems."

"You're such a hippie." Louis mocks. "One round of greasy fat won't kill you."

Louis sneaks out his phone before taking a photo of Harry's puzzled expression with his


"What are you doing?" Harry rests his head in his hand.

"Looking into scrapbooking. You know, for retirement."

Louis' phone buzzes, receiving a curse from the owner before it is formally opened like a pack of

garlic chocolate - yes, it exists and yes, now we know why vampires hate that stuff.


"Hey. Louis?" It can be none other than Seth calling Louis during his break.

"Yeah man."

"I just remembered that Sunday hours are short so you don't have to get back here after your

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