Chapter 15

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I stare wide-eyed at the boy who not an hour ago, had me weak at the knees. "We run? Where the

fuck do you propose we run off to?"

He frowns in cordial disapproval at my language. "I don't know, Lou."

"You're insane, Harry. I can't run away.......ever."

"Why not?"

"Because......I have a sister and a father to worry about back home. I have friends and people who

will want to know where I am."

He stares down at his food, picking at the edges of the box that has been weighed down to the size

of a tube in his hand. "I don't have that. I just have you to worry about."

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm asking you not to worry about me."

"Y-Your family. They're still in Middleston?" He looks up at me through hooded eyes.


"You have to get them out."

"What?" My blood runs cold and all that is in physical contact with me does the same. "Why?"

"Psychera's patients are loose and they're extremely cruel. Your family isn't safe in Middleston."

"Why the fuck are you telling me this now?" I fumble for my phone on the pedestal while I jump

to my feet needing something to do.

I don't know whether to call them or not. Dad will disregard everything I say as homesickness. I

have to go there. I have to go get them.

"I'm going back." I say grabbing my keys off the counter.

Harry rises to his feet, and all the light let in from the streetlights are blocked by his massive body.

"Where?" He asks, his fingers causing trails in his damp hair.

"Middleston, Harry!" I shout just because I can when I slam the door shut behind me.

It reopens and I make a disgusted sound as he follows after me, his footsteps heavy and the

staircase protesting beneath his mass.

"You can't go alone." He says sternly, magically answering my grumbling remark for him to leave

me alone. "Those are dangerous people."

"You're dangerous." I add drunkenly as I unlock the front car doors and climb in. So does Harry.

"But I'm trying not to be."

I roll my eyes and know he saw me do it, but keep the threatening boil of anger from erupting. I

head into traffic, ignoring all warning and authoritative signage that cautions me to slow down or

be charged. My family is in Middleston, and they aren't safe. Harry turns on the radio and I listen

carefully to the news. Nothing said about my home town and Harry hums along to the song


How can he be so calm? We're driving to his house too. I shove the memories away. I speed up

and hear the engine roar back at me in argument.

It stops. The engine cuts on its own and we are left idling in the middle of the fucking street at

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