Chapter 30

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Louis whimpered and resisted the hold, when Harry stared at him he saw why. She also had a grip

on his other arm.

"Lou, look at me." Harry caught Louis' attention, looking the boy in the eye. Green to blue. He

was quaking like a fallen leaf, fear is leaving his body is shaken vibrations and his lips is bitten


"Lou, don't look at her." Harry indiscreetly steps forward and she hisses, tugging Louis' arm so he

cries out from the shock.

Harry holds on tighter but doesn't hurt Louis. He carefully let's Louis' hand hold onto the side of

his shirt, and trying to reach for Louis' waist. "It's alright, Lou. I promise, it's alright."

Another hiss, venomous and threatening. Harry held back a defensive growl because that would

frighten Louis. Louis winced whenever either side was under scrutiny but his left arm, which was

in her viper hold, was twisted backward letting his palm face the sky. His bottom lip quivered and

struggled not to cry from the pain.

"Don't cry, Lou." Harry fills his eyes with softness. "I'll protect you, you know I always will."

Louis swallowed and focused on Harry's voice solely as he spoke. When he opened his mouth,

his voice was a sobbing beg. "Harry."

"Lou, just look at me, alright?" He pins Louis with his gaze. "Listen only to me, look only at me.

Can you do that?"

Harry knew what he was doing, but it may hurt a little. Edith was a mass of destructive groans that

poked at the boys' ears. Louis' nostrils flared and his chest began to rapidly rise before falling.

"No. It's okay, Lou. You're safe." Harry speaks hurriedly. He takes another step and Louis is

pulled the other way again.

"Want to give me a hug, Lou?" Harry ignores Louis' panicked expression before the smaller boy

nods in understanding.

Louis doesn't know what Harry'd done but as soon as his arm was free from the cold cage of fluid

fingers, he folded himself around Harry's middle. His face was hidden in Harry's chest and his

hands were burrowed under his plaid unbuttoned shirt. Harry hugged back and kissed Louis'


"You're okay." Harry sways them once. "You're alright. I'm here, Lou. I'm-"

He's cut off by a slash of pain across his back, a guttural moan erupting from his hoarse throat. He

jerks forward and Louis stumbles back.

"H-Harry?" He can't seem to swallow the scared lump in his throat.

Harry has his eyes squeezed shut, crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes and tears springing to

the sides. The cut had to be wide, from shoulder to hip and bleeding profusely. His shirt was

ripped, he could feel it. The pain bubbled in his chest, like a whip lash that cut him off mid-breath

that made him cough blood.

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