chapter 28

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Love is pain. I will not surrender to it.


"I was thinking we should just......go somewhere." I make a wide gesture that is inclusive of

everything surrounding us with my left hand in an elliptical movement.

"Oh yeah? Like where?" Harry asks, his unseen lips pressed against the back of my neck where

the forest of my hair met my nape.

His legs carry more muscle than mine do - unfairly natural coincidence, I say - and I have been

transformed into an over-heated sandwich-man within a matter of two minutes. He seems to be

enjoying this moment so who am I do disturb his piece of tranquility?

I stare at the size difference of our feet, his are long and pale while mine could be fitted twice into

his outline, if I squeezed my foot a little. "I'm free for the next few days so......maybe a road trip? I

really don't want to spend my time here constantly...worried."

He nods in understanding with his nose nudging my jaw. "Anything you want."

"We can go to Atlanta."

He shakes his head immediately. "We can't. Your dad's there."

Oh yes. I frown and mentally curse my stupidity. My father still doesn't know about Harry, and I

can't let him be seen by too many familiar faces. It truly, deeply and eternally sucked that we had

to hide. Well, Harry did but I'm in this too now.

At that moment my phone rings and while I battle with the covers, Harry sits contentedly back

against the sofa. When I retrieve the buzzing device, I'm sprawled across the mattress with my

arms hanging off the side. "Hello?"

"Hey, Boo." Roger's mischievous tone smokes its way through the connection.

"You can fuck off if you're going to call me that."

"Okay, okay. Sorry. I have a favour to ask."

By now Harry's secured my ribcage in his arms and his dragging me back to him.

"Ask." I bite my lip nervously. What does he want?

"I have this delivery to make and I can't do it."

I groan in annoyance, a little whimper that could be downed as childish. "No. Why didn't you ask

Seth then?"

"I wanted to but he already knew and said no. Please, man? I'll owe you when you get back."

Harry is studying my face, his eyes darting to and catching every change. "Where is the delivery?"

"Folks. It's like......a three day trip going and coming."

I tuck my phone between my ear and shoulder before directing my attention to Harry. "Roger says

there's a delivery to make and it's a long one. Up for it? It's a three day trip so it could be fun."

Roger is chatting away causing tiny vibrations on my shoulder. I raise it to my ear briefly. "Shut

up, Roger."

Harry chuckles before taking on a concentrated mode, his teeth biting down on the inside of his

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