Chapter 11

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My arms give up on their quest to fight Harry and win, his strength is much too great for me at this moment in time. I imagine what it would be like, for them to discover my body probably mutilated in the morning. I do not fear death, I fear the pain that always accompanies it.

"Look at me." He softly bumps my cheek with his nose. It's cold.

I refuse to listen to him, and he finds my immature rebellion to be amusing. He presses his lips to

my cheek, then my jaw again, my chin and my forehead. I grow hopelessly limp. He lowers

himself down to be half an inch above my body, that is struggling to be shiver-free.

I am bound with my arms above my head, by a strong piece of fabric; one that won't release me

no matter the amount of force I apply. I try to lift myself off the mattress and catch a glimpse of

what it is, but my body only presses against Harry's further with that sort of movement, and he is not displeased. My brows knit together when I feel his breath fan my own lips, a gust of scented air that fills my nostrils.

I groan discontentedly when he drops his mouth to mine, capturing my lips with his and my heart fails altogether.


Louis is caught off guard by Harry's advances, when he expected a near fatal outcome. But this

isn't it, not that it is a step up or anything. Harry's mouth is hard, cold and fervent on Louis' though

he himself has never gone this far before. He couldn't help it, he wanted to know what this

warmth felt like so he succumbed to the intrigue.

Though Louis' actions are weak and repulsive, Harry is ardent and urgently coaxing a desirable

reaction from him. His mouth moves on Louis' begging for some kind of response. Louis is

dumbfounded but his nerves seem to have gotten ahead of him. He responds as best as he can,

lifting his head off the pillow to answer Harry's demands. He didn't know what he was doing, but

he couldn't stop it either.

Harry wanted this. He needed this. To experience a different kind of familiarity, warmth and

relation. He holds Louis fast with a hand cupping his cheek once he's gotten what he wanted.

Harry moans involuntarily pressing his lips harder against Louis, beckoning his movements to his


"Untie me." Louis pants when Harry pulls back.

Harry shakes his head. "Not yet, Lou."

That bothered Louis, it nagged on his inner perspective suggesting that Harry still had dreadful

intentions for him. He decides to let things play out. He doesn't want Harry to go too far but when

he plants his mouth on Louis' again, there's no stopping his throaty moan from an unknown part of

his conscious.

Harry runs his tongue along Louis' bottom lip, slowly as he fists Louis' hair in one hand and settles

his palm flat on the mattress on one side of his head. He's gotten impatient, and forces Louis to lift

up off the bed closer to his body. His fingers are knotted in Louis' hair, holding Louis to him, and

making Louis let him in.

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