Chapter 8

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I will protect you for what you are: mine

Louis tossed and turned, his mind reeling; his sweat rolled in faint streams down his back and

neck. He did not feel at ease while he slept, but an unearthly persistence kept him in this writhing

dozing state. He could do nothing, because he could not see her.

She was ashen and vengeful. She would not listen to Harry's reasoning, only peering out beyond

into her own justification. Harry disobeyed her and for that, he would suffer the loss of his

precious friend.

Harry was frantic outside the door, for the first time his ungodly strength could not get the door

open. Louis was asleep, he had been for several hours now. Harry knew Louis was defenseless

against his mother, especially when she was raving mad like now. Harry wanted this one thing to

himself, he felt he earned a friend - just one - after twenty years of solitude and obedience. Mother

wouldn't see it that way.

Harry's debacle with Gemma earlier cost him her defiance and support, though she too had a soft

spot for the copper-haired being of innocence on the other side of this door. Louis didn't know

half the truth about Harry, but Harry knew Louis better than anyone could testify. Harry would

always go into town at the time he knew Louis would be out doing something unnecessary and

foul, but he'd watch him do it from afar without protest anyway.

"Mother!" Harry screamed from the useless side of the closed door. "Leave him alone!"

He didn't know if she had heard him. He tries the door and it doesn't budge. He curses at it until

the rumbling ends and he is certain that he'd lost his friend. The door opens without difficulty, and

Harry steps into the dark room. Louis is asleep, Harry sighs in relief. His chest heaves painfully

and for a moment Harry expects a climax of a deadly nature. Nothing happens.

"Lou?" Harry stands at the door politely, not wanting to go in just yet. Louis would be mad if he


Louis doesn't answer so Harry takes a step inside. The wood moans beneath his boots but Louis

doesn't wake. Harry goes to his side, bending to catch a glimpse of anything nasty that might have

overcome his companion. Nothing.

Harry's eyes fall to Louis' arm. Bruises. Harry doesn't gasp, when he knew the normal response

would be to. He stares coldly at the red three-finger marking below Louis' elbow. Hanayen is

asleep in the corner of the room.

One swipe. One swipe of Harry's blade and a pinch of his, would rid him of the nuisance

that is that animal. But he won't, because Louis would be upset. His fingertips brush the mark on Louis' arm, and he stirs in his sleep without opening his eyes.


I grumble turning on my side and punching my pillow to accommodate my head. My vision

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