Chapter 6

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I ask for trust, and you give me doubt. I ask for the truth, and you give me falsities. I ask for your

love, but you give me fear instead.

Harry hears me and looks up from the bloody mess on the floor. At first he is confused, then angry

again. I step back and he does nothing. Just stares at me like he's seeing right through me. A

window in his path.

"What did you do?" I ask, horrified. "What the fuck did you do, Harry?!"

He runs his blood-matted hand through his oily hair, so it's slicked back on one half. He rubs the

back of his neck with his palm, frowning like the answer isn't coming to him.

"Harry?!" I shout across the space, beckoning his attention.

I shake my head. I just can't deal with this, nor the repercussions that are sure to follow up. Harry

fucking murdered the fucking Deputy. I don't know what to do at this point. With myself or him.

"I'm leaving." I say turning and backing off.

"Louis!" Harry calls after me. He obviously snapped out of his trance. "You're not leaving! You

can't leave!"

I'm in my room at the moment of his last exclamation and he follows me inside, bloody hands and

all. I swallow back the bile in my throat, running my fingers through the threads of my damp hair.

I'd never seen a dead body before, not fresh and unclaimed by the ME at least.

"You know Elizabeth Hardy, don't you?" I ask grabbing the strap of my duffel bag off the table.

If he's a serial kidnapper/killer I'm better off volunteering in an Auschwitz concentration camp.

"Where is she?!" I demand.

"I'll tell you if you stay." He answers softly, standing tall at my door.

What the fuck? I can't live with this guy a moment longer, and the new official Deputy will love to

take the information about his ex-senior's death off my hands.

I lift the bag off the crumbling surface and Harry reacts but taking it from me forcefully, his

strength outshining mine when he tosses the object away from our lingering figures. I remember

the difficulty I had with lifting that thing when it was packed. I was probably in shock, because I

felt no fear at this point. Just numbness. The kid was taller than me but not bigger built. It did little

to soothe my spiked nothingness.

"You're staying." He states firmly, stepping close enough to have his breath fan my cheek. I step


"You fucking killed the town's Deputy and kidnapped an innocent girl. I'm not staying here with


"Will you tell on me?" He smirks for the first time since I met him. His fingers are curled around

my wrist, and no matter my attempts to free my hand he keeps it caged. "What will you say,


"Let me go, Harry."

"You can't leave." He chuckles leaning too close to me, I want to hurl on his face just to get him

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