Chapter 35

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Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.


I wanted to be let down, so that I could say I was enabled in either running with Harry or standing

there voluntarily. Harry's grip on me was crushing, and not about to let up so I stayed as I was.

"Harry." Jeff says calmly, posing no physical threat as yet. "This is it, my boy. You have to stop


I look between who I thought were my friends, taking in each of their reactions as they toy with

the current situation. Marie is holding Zayn's arm who is standing behind Niall, they are all by a

cop car I hadn't noticed earlier.

Fear and dread fills me. What are they going to do? Will they take Harry back to Psychera? I'll

never see him again. Will they worsen his punishment? I grip Harry's jacket tighter like that's what

will root him here, with me. He couldn't go away and they couldn't take him from me.

Harry's hold inexplicably tightens until I wince from not-too-subtle grinding against my rib cage. I

don't try to move away though, knowing that Harry needed me to stay and wordlessly reassure


"Put him down, Harry." Jeff says slowly, not berating the order.

Harry's nostrils flare and I am unable to move my arms, but if I could I'd wrap myself around him

to say that he didn't have to. I'd stay anyway.

"You know what's good for you, son. Louis doesn't deserve this life."

I look at him with frantic eyes. He didn't have to do anything for me, but he's staring straight

ahead and I know he's deep in thought. He's doubtful and he can't be.

"Harry?" I whisper, my voice so small and pathetic.

He drags his eyes away from the advancing officers, to give me a weak smile and loosen his hold.

His eyes were empty, his decision made. I open my mouth to speak but he stops me with a kiss to

the corner of my mouth.

He said nothing with his mouth, but his eyes were a world of conversation. Following that, I didn't

argue when he lowered me to my feet and positively did not grip his arm and question his sanity

when he willingly went towards the officers with handcuffs. Only, I did.

"Harry? Harry, what are you doing?" My step forward is prevented by Niall who is

uncharacteristically quiet.

"Let him do this, Lou." Niall whispers and I ignore him. Niall never had anything useful to say


"Unfortunately, Lou, you have to come as well. You were hiding a fugitive." Jeff announces with

a sigh after consulting with a new face.

What? Fucking fugitive my ass. Harry is as alarmed as I am, but he shows his emotion by kicking

his way out of the arresting officer's hold. "No! Louis didn't do anything! I didn't give him a


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