Chapter 13

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The open road is staring at me like a splitting mouth ready to consume me whole. I get into my car

and sit staring at the bunch of letters in my hand like they contain summon notices from a

prehistoric era or anthrax. They're already open, I didn't expect anything but. I take the one from

the bottom of the stack to read first.

Dear Louis

I didn't think they'd let me write letters to anyone and I suspect that the postal system that

has been put into place here isn't the finest so you might get this late.

I wish they'd allow me to have visitors. I'd ask just for you because I never got the

opportunity to tell you how I felt about our night. My room here is frightfully tiny and I

can't turn my head without colliding with a wall. The food is beyond tasteless and I refuse

to eat any of it. My doctor says I must eat or I won't be able to keep up my strength. I don't

care, there's nothing to fight with in here that I'd need my strength for.

Please write back. I want to hear from you.



I read the neat cursive handwriting that seems to stretch for miles across the width of the page,

over and over until my eyes burn from being exposed to the air for too long. Deciding it best to get

to my new home before handing the remaining envelopes' contents my uninterrupted and

undivided attention, was an order. I switch on the radio to the frequency that hosted the station I

once worked at - recently fired for lack of attendance.


Make it dark, Harry. Let them fear the darkness.

I was commanded and therefore I must oblige. In a deft and unintelligent move I slam the black

lever down. The power house and every corridor in Psychera is plunged into darkness. One by

one the overhead lamps lose their current and go out. Did I mention that most patients here are like

me? Supposedly mentally corrupt to state of homicidal doings, and terribly afraid of the night.

Come, son. We must leave or they'll catch us.

In spite of Mother's and my violent argument several floors above us, I give my trust to her

temporarily and follow her flickering figure through the black hole.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask, pausing as she does.

I have need for you

"I'm not coming back to you or that house, Mother."

And why not, Harry?

"Because I won't help you hurt people anymore. I refuse."

She cackles in the night and I am not afraid.

Will you defy me? Your own mother for a waste of a life like that boy?

I say nothing.

Fine, Harry. She is in my face, all hot disgusting breath and bared teeth. I will make you both

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