Chapter 7

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My very soul demands you.

Harry? Why is he here? Did he follow me? I stay put as instructed by Jeffrey while he goes out to

speak with him. I watch from the safety of this office like a guarded bird.

Harry is less than pleased with Jeffrey's appearance, and I take in his rugged and haggard exterior.

His shirt is almost shredded at the edges, tiny frays like sticking out like needles with a mission;

his sleeves are pulled up to rest above his elbows revealing the reddened skin previously hidden

underneath by the fabric. The keys held captive in his right palm are digging into his skin by the

intensity of the strength he is applying to the grip. He hasn't seen me yet.

"Can we help you?" Jeffrey walks up to him calmly.

"Louis." He says my name like it is his first word after a drought. It chills my blood in an anti-

soothing manner. "Where is he?"

"What do you need him for?" As an officer of the law, Jeff isn't permitted to lie and say that he

does not know where I am.

"That's none of your business." He bites.

"If you are threatening him in any way, Harry, we have to detain you-"

Harry's boisterous laugh cuts him off. "Threatening him?" Harry takes a step closer to Jeffrey,

letting his height do the intimidation routine. "He isn't the one I'm threatening, officer."

Jeffrey isn't Navy material, his training didn't include fearlessness because of the true boring nature

of Middleston. If it weren't for the baggy nature of his attire, we'd all see him shaking in his boots.

Harry decides that his point has been made. "LOUIS!!"

I jump at his sudden outburst, gripping the doorknob a little too tightly. I don't dare make a sound

too loud for fear of him hearing me.

Harry's face is screwed up in a foreign emotion, several creases forming on his forehead from his

frown and furious expression. They won't tell him what he wants to know and he's getting pissed


"Harry, calm down!" Jeffrey grabs ahold of his collar and holds him fast.

Harry violently shakes off the newly anointed head of Police, yet to be indited, with no fear or

hesitation gleaming in his eye. Not that I can see from this distance.

"Don't touch me." Harry threatens.

I put my fingers between two blades of hardened fabric and pull them apart to make my visibility

of the situation clearer.

"It is good that you're here though, Harry." Jeffrey says reaching around his back towards a much

too familiar pair of handcuffs.

Shit no! He's being too obvious and I've seen first-hand what Harry's capable of doing if he even

suspects there's a possibility of being caught physically. I didn't need to witness a repetition of the

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