Chapter 17

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I found him in the darkness and he became my light.


"Will you tell me your name now?"

The sound of approaching heavy footsteps makes Louis stop everything, dropping to a degree of

silence so deep he could hear his blood freeze over. He hadn't heard any door at the back open or

be shut. He knew who it was and for the first time in his existence he wanted it to be a prank by

some uncouth teenager.

Louis bites his lip before turning around. Regret. Fear. Panic. Adrenaline. All rolled into a

bouquet of flourishing disaster within him. With his back now facing the door, Louis' breath gets

caught in his throat and the store keys in his hand slips from his grip to the floor.

Rupert is unpeturbed by Louis' appearance and acceptance - or lack thereof - of him. Louis' heart

goes into overdrive and all that he feels is doubtful fear. He wished Harry would just walk through

the door now. He prayed for that.

"You're pretty. That's why I'll ask again." Rupert taunts as he comes around the corner of the

counter. "I'd really like for us to be friends."

"What do you want?" Louis tries to regather what courage he has, bending to retrieve the fallen


"To know your damn name." Rupert's breath smelt of plaque and decaying vegetables when he

comes up in Louis' face.

"It's Louis."

"You know, Louis." Rupert smirks proudly. "I think you'll like me more than Harry."

"I doubt it. We're pretty close." Louis swallows and steps back when Rupert is close enough again

for the odour of his dying breath to fill his nostrils. It smelt of dead animal. A haunted and more

venomous expression finding a home on his nasty visage.

venomous expression finding a home on his nasty visage.

"Fucking braveheart, aren't you?" He grabs ahold of Louis' arm.

The contact is achingly throbbing and Louis screams, all of which experience individual physical

torment from the action. He tries to free his arm but all acts of release result in Louis' further

assault. Rupert has him by both his arms now, forcing him to move backwards and Louis' mortal

strength is vagrantly no match for what it is faced with.

Rupert uses profound physical stability to push Louis onto the ground, it's a desperate attempt

since Louis proves to be a worthy contendor. They're behind the counter, Rupert finds joy in

knowing nobody can see them. The boy writhes in pain and discomfort whilst trying to escape this

malevolent man. Rupert has him by his arms, sending electric shocks of excruciating pain each

time Louis tried to shove or fight him. What was happening?

"Shut up, will you?!" The older man bellows. "The sooner you shut it the quicker this will be."

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