Chapter 14

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The voice wasn't one I wanted to hear. It was dark, an imitation of what was once a wonder to

hear. It was cold and extremely inhuman.

I look around me, where I am standing stationary and bleakly stable. There's nothing, no one

within sight or hearing range for me.

I abandon my station after gathering my belongings and jogging towards the storage room marked

'Employed Personnel Only' and push through the door. My locker, as promised, is tucked away in

the corner of the room with a black metal casing. The combination lock is open and brand new. I

throw in my stuff and lock it with the digits of Phoebe's birthday.

The door opens and I jump from the abruptness. Two laughing men walk in and I am quick to

camouflage my panic.

They stop upon seeing me, deferring direction and approaching me.

"I'm Seth." A balding but twenty-something guy offers me his hand and a smile.

"And I'm Roger. Welcome to Dayton's." His accompanying friend does the same but waits his


"Louis." I smile back weakly. "Nice to meet you both."

"Did Paul give you the look-around?" Roger asks as he follows suit in my act of unceremoniously

throwing his items into his locker.

"Yes, he did." I reply.

"Here's your badge, kiddo." Seth throws a pin at me and I almost throw it back unlatched in

anger. I suppress my urge and pin it on the right side of my chest.

"You can handle the counter today." Roger walks out with us. "It's pretty simple."

"We're open!" Seth tells us as he turns the sign. Oh boy.

The partners disappear in the back of the store and I can hear their boisterous laughter

complimented by cries of pain. I shake my head at their behavior.

"How's it going?" Paul strolls past without glancing at me so I don't answer.

It's 10h30 and I've been here since 09h00. I study the workstation I'm awarded. There's only one

till-station so what do they do when there's a rush? The technology in use is pretty up-to-date and

may even give me a hassle or three.

The door rattles, the bell atop the entrance indicating the arrival of someone who wishes to spend

time and cash in this place. I look up and watch a little girl hold onto her father's finger as they

waltz in.

She sees me in her flowery pink dress and waves innocently. I wave back against her father's glare

and they continue into Isle One - Decorations. Twenty minutes later they show up before me with

a trolley of goods. I politely scan each item and let them pay for it.

"Thank you, Mister." The small girl says sweetly before turning around with her father who

struggles to hide the fact that his packets are weighing him down.

"Can I help with that?" I offer and he nods stiffly.

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