Chapter 16

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Getting Phoebe to actually fall asleep was a task not fit for a guy as torn and inwardly degraded as

I am. My fingers tried not to shake everytime I reminded myself that I no longer had my father to

run to; that my six-year-old sister relied absolutely upon me alone.

Harry had fallen asleep on the couch, hair tossled and in sixteen different directions on the armrest.

I hunted for food in the kitchen but came up dry except for leftover take-out and two bottles of

water. My head spun and I held onto the counter for support.

I take an Aspirin from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and catch the time to be 00h56. I have

to work tomorrow. Well, today. Sunday I'm free and maybe I could take Phoebe somewhere.

I have no close relatives who will take her. I don't trust anyone with her except I have no choice. I

can't have her here with me, so prone and close to danger.

"Louis?" Harry croaks from the couch.

"Yeah." I sigh. "It's me."

He pulls himself up and looks at me over the back of the contraption. I want to smother and hug

him at the same time. Damn him for confusing the fuck out of my pathetic life.

"Come here."

I relent. I'm tired but unable to sleep so my best bet is to sit down and communicate with this arse.

I sit down on the couch, too far away to be near a close proximity so we're not touching and cross

my legs facing him.

"How long did she take to fall asleep?" Harry asks casually. Fucking casually.

"About half an hour. She's pretty spooked from being locked in a fucking closet with a


"Rupert?" Harry coughs dryly into his enclosed fist. "He's harmless."

"Not to her. He's a monster in her eyes."

"I know you won't let anything happen to her."

I nod and rest my head on my knees. "She can't stay here though."

Harry cocks his head to one side and the rustling of the blowing trees outside give his skin an

interesting glow. Almost frightening.

"Why not?" He asks.

"It's not safe, Harry." I yawn. "I'm not around often enough to take care of her."

"What will you do?"

"I'll have to figure something out for the time-being. I have to work tomorrow but Sunday is free."

"I can......take care of her while you're at work tomorrow."

"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving my sister here alone with you." My tiredness shows in my quick

and cutting remarks.

"Please? I have a sister."

"Had." I want to impale myself immediately after I said that.

All the hope of winning this debate drains from his face and he drops to an expressionless notion.

He's offence taken to my response is apparent in his visage compiled of a knitted frown and

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