Chapter 3

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"GOD DAMN IT, LOUIS!" My father roars like a tigress who's facing off with a poacher who

threatened her cubs.

"I don't know why you're fussing! It's not like I'm in bloody jail or something!" I retaliate.

"That's not all that matters, son. Anyone can easily stay out of prison, but why can't you

just...........behave? I'm not asking that you feed the poor or something."

"I'm fine, Dad! The Sheriff said that he had something worked out for me."

"Oh yeah." He runs his hand over his bald patch - I'd given him that. "What's Sheriff Jacob's


"He's sending me to this old house up on Lost Lake, to clean it up and have it ready to be sold in

two months."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'll do it. I can handle that and I'll be off your back for a good while."

"That's not what I need, Louis! You're my son. I need to know that you're okay, that I'm not

losing you to drugs."

I snort. "You're not losing me, dad. I'm here when you aren't."

"Tonight you weren't. What about your sister? She relies on you!"

I glare at him. In his absence I took care of Phoebe, made sure she was safe yet he had the

audacity to point his sausage finger at me and shout culprit.

"So, you're going then?" He exhales.

"Yes." I snap.

"Fine. Be responsible and don't be an idiot like those.......twats are trying to make you into."

He sighs in one big resentful breath, before leaving me alone in my room.

"I have to go back to the office. Stay with your sister. I mean it." He calls back to me and I slam

my door shut.

I hear the Ford's rusty and crippled engine kick start, before Dad rolls out of the driveway. My

ears pick up a soft whimpering at my door. Hanayen's trying to get in. I let him in and he leaps

onto my bed like he's the sales-person in charge.

"You didn't have a bath yet, Hanayen. Get off." I try to draw him out with whistles but he's such a

stubborn mutt.

Hanayen barks, his head risen off the pillow I'd gotten when I welcomed him into our home. I

glance at the window expecting a tree blowing in the wind or something else that could have

triggered his response, but there's nothing. It's 22h00 according to my phone.

"Shut up, boy." I order him and he ignores me.

Three boisterous growls later I fling a football at him but he doesn't quieten down. I open my

bedroom door and he runs downstairs almost instantly. I follow him. He sits by the door obviously

indicating the presence of someone on the outside trying to get in. I twist the lock and pull the

barrier open.

Niall and another guy stand laughing like the asses they are with Zayn riding point. They all walk

in without being invited. "Hey, Louis."

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