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"Scott?!" I yelled once I got to his house and went in

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"Scott?!" I yelled once I got to his house and went in.

"I'm up here!" He said back loudly. I made my way up the stairs and to his room, I went in his room and saw Stiles standing by the bathroom and I went over next to Stiles.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked them wondering why Scott texted me saying to come over. I saw Scott cleaning up his wound that Theo had left when Theo had killed him.

"Did you hear about the guy who got killed at the communication towers right?" He asked me while putting on his shirt. I leaned up against the door frame and crossed my arms.

"Yeah why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well I think I found something out," Stiles said, jumping into the conversation. "We were also wondering if you wanted to help us?" Scott said, continuing on what Stiles was saying.

"Yeah, definitely I'm down." I say. Scott walked out of the bathroom and went next to Stiles. Stiles brought out his phone and pulled up a surveillance video that the commutation tower had outside. Scott and I both looked at the video

"You see him going in, then Deputy Clark goes in, then something really big and really fast comes charging out. Then Clark comes out and eventually the technician's body is carried out by paramedics." Stiles states.

"Okay what are we missing here?" I ask and the two boys look at me.

"Two people go in, three come out." Stiles answers. "I checked all the footage. Not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So where does that something really big and really fast come from?" He continues.

"There's another way in," Scott says. I raise my eyebrows.

"Well damn Shaggy and Scooby just solved the mystery," I said sarcastically. Both of the boys look at me and shake their heads.

All 3 of us go downstairs and Stiles grabs his keys for his Jeep and we all go to his car. I have to squeeze in the back while Scott and Stiles are up in the front. Stiles puts the key in the ignition and we're on our way.

"Can I just say that this is probably a stupid idea cause we have no idea if this thing is going to jump out and kill us," I say leaning up from my seat and rest my elbows on both of their headrests.

"So far we've only seen this thing at night so maybe it's nocturnal or something," Stiles said. I shake my head and lean back in my seat.

"You better hope," I say and look out the window.


"Well this is comforting," I say sarcastically as we find the spot where the technician was murdered. We had been looking throughout this place for about 10 minutes trying to find this place.

We walk up the spot and see a big scratch mark along the electric box and blood all over the floor and the box.

I hear Stiles scoff "You got that right." He says back to me softly.

Comatose (Theo Raeken)Where stories live. Discover now