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"Gray?" I yelled throughout my apartment as soon as I got home from Scott's

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"Gray?" I yelled throughout my apartment as soon as I got home from Scott's. I throw my bag down on the couch and walk through the place to see if he was still here.

Since it was now morning everyone decided to finally go home for a little bit and get some more rest before tonight. Scott and Stiles thinks that there's gonna be an Oni sighting tonight, and they wanna be prepared Incase it does happen.

I trudge up the stairs and see Grayson leaning against the kitchen counter. I could smell the regret coming off of him, which probably explains his facial expression. His look was cold and his face was stern, which barely ever happened.

"Okay, you smell like you just did something awful, and what is up with that look on your face?" I lightly chuckle, trying to lighten up his mood. His expression doesn't change and he sighs and fully faces me.

He towers over me and I feel slightly intimidated but I don't let it show. "I'm leaving." He simply says like it didn't matter.

I furrow my eyebrows and give him a confused look. "What? Why?" My voice was higher than usual considering the obvious confusion in my tone.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, like he was wondering why I was even asking. He runs his hand through his hair and continues to be silent. "Okay, I'm not a damn mind reader here, help a girl out." He starts pacing around the living room. Something was bothering him and making him more irritable.

"Y'know, I thought we were actually getting somewhere in our relation-." My voice gets cut off my Grayson's loud yell.

"What relationship, Haley!?" I'm taken back from his tone and everything about him is tense. His pace quickens, he tugs on the ends of his hair as he runs his hands through it.

He finally looks back at me and his eyes are filled with dread and sadness. "I can't wait around for you to figure out your life and what you want. And, I'm definitely not going to try and win your love when you obviously have someone else in mind." His voice cracks and I look down at the ground, not meeting his eyes. It broke my heart to see him like this and knowing I was the one who caused his pain.

He goes silent for a few seconds and I feel his presence right in front of me. He brings his finger to my chin and lifts my head up to look at his eyes. "I will put this offer on the table." He lets out a deep breath while his brown eyes stare into mine. "You can come with me and we can go back to Europe. We can go back to the way it was before and you wouldn't have a care in the world."

"I promise to make you happy, Haley. You can start a new life and I will make sure you get the best of everything." The more I stare into his eyes, the more the idea sounded pleasing.

But I knew what I had to do, and it wasn't that. I have a purpose here and I'm needed here. My family was here and everyone I care about is here.

Even if I still loved Theo, Grayson still had me confused on what to actually do. Deep down I know he's more than a friend and that I do care for him in that way. I just can't hurt him like that. With him being here I was just hurting him even more and giving him false hope of us actually being together.

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