Baby A and Baby B

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(4 months later)

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(4 months later)

"Where is she?" I looked at Melissa as soon as I got off the elevator. Melissa didn't say anything all she did was look through the glass window into Lydia's room.

Melissa had a big smile on her face as she watched the happy couple. I walked beside Melissa and stood beside her. A smile crept onto my face as I brought up my hands to my mouth.

"Oh my god, they're gorgeous," I whisper as I watch Lydia cradle one baby in her arms with Stiles right beside her doing the exact same thing. They watched their babies with bright happy smiles on their faces.

"Go in." Melissa looks over to me with a smile and I slowly nod.

I walk over to the door and I slowly open it and both of their eyes look up to me. Lydia looked worn out which is normal considering she just gave birth to twins but she couldn't be any happier.

Stiles couldn't stop smiling as he looked down at his children. He had everything he's ever wanted. Lydia and having her be the mother to his beautiful kids.

"Hey guys," I talk in a soft voice to try and not disrupt the babies. I walk closer to the couple and get a better view of the twins.

I gasp when I look down at them and happiness fills me. They both had Lydia's pale complexion but they had Stiles' eye color. They were gorgeous and they've only been alive for a couple of hours.

"Hannah Claudia Stilinski." Lydia softly talks and she motions over to the baby she was holding. Then she looks over to the other baby in Stiles' arms. "Allison Lynn Stilinski." Stiles chuckles as he looks down at Allison when she wraps her hand around his finger.

"Guys, they're absolutely gorgeous I love them already." Allison locks eyes with me and I almost melt at the cuteness.

"Wanna hold her?" Stiles looks up to me and I'm overwhelmed with shock that they trusted me.

I stamper and try to find an answer. "Are you guys su-." And I was cut off when Stiles carefully held out Allison so I would take her.

I immediately accept and carefully start to cradle her in my arms. I look down at her green eyes and I'm immediately I love with her.

"Hi, Allison." I softly coo and smile at her.

"Haley, we actually wanna ask you something." My attention turns to Lydia and Stiles. I furrow my eyebrows and I nod my head.

"Would you wanna be Hannah's and Allison's godmother?" My jaw drops and my heart fills with happiness at the words.

It meant so much to me that they fully trusted me to take care of their children in case anything happened to them.

"Are you guys sure? What about Allison or Malia?" I start to question but Lydia quickly shakes her head.

"I loved them both to death but Stiles and I both agreed on you. We both know you would die for our girls in case anything happened." Lydia wasn't lying when she said that. Even though they weren't mine I already felt a strong connection to them and I would do anything for them.

"Absolutely!" I agree with a smile on my face and I look back down to Allison. "Aunt Haley doesn't sound bad at all." I softly speak.


So you can definitely say a lot has changed in the past 4 months. It's not how I thought everything would turn out but I'm working with it. Even if it's not exactly what I want.

Allison is actually getting better at controlling her bloodlust and I found a witch to make her a daylight ring. She's like my little protégé. Not to mention Allison and Scott finally got back together after all of these years.

Malia and Scott thought it was a good idea considering they both had so much going on and everything was so stressful. They're still friends and everything but they just seem so much happier now.

Malia and Isaac also got together surprisingly. That didn't really shock me cause I saw how they were around each other. They had an instant connection when they met.

Then of course Lydia finally gave birth and now we have mini Stilinski's roaming around. We were all finally growing up and everything was going great.

Derek decided to finally go spend some time with Braeden considering he's been so focused on Beacon Hills and me. I'm happy for him, he deserves happiness more than any of us.

Then finally, there's Liam and I. Every week we go on friendly dates just like old times and I still love him, he's like a son to me and I can always be honest with him no matter what.

Lastly, Lexi and Theo are getting married in two days. Of course, it broke my heart but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I could always profess my love for him but what kind of person would I be?

I love Theo so much but if it's meant to be then it'll be. As much as it killed me and I wish he would just stop and think for a second, I wanted him to be happy, even if it means I get hurt in the process.

I'm still hoping it's you and I in the end.


"Are you going to their wedding?" Allison and I sat on my bed talking with each other. She didn't wanna visit Lydia in the hospital cause she was scared we would accidentally turn all "vamp mode." So I came back here to hang out with her.

I simply shrugged a took a sip of the bottle of whiskey in my hand. "Why would I?" I quirk an eyebrow but Allison just shrugs and takes a chip out of the bag.

"It could be like one of those movies that I watched as a kid. The man decides to marry a different woman but then his true love runs into the wedding and the man chooses his true love instead of the girl." I scoff and roll my eyes at her cliche story. As much as I wanted too, I'm not that big of a bitch.

"Ali, sometimes love doesn't always end with calling him 'mine', sometimes it ends with 'stay happy forever no matter with me or someone else.' He has his someone else." She nodded and gave me a sad smile.

"Does it always feel like this?" Allison said in a quiet voice and started playing with her daylight ring. I gave her a confused look at what she meant. She finally looked back up at me. "Like you feel stuck."

After a couple of seconds, I finally answered her. "Some days. You have forever so it gets like that sometimes. But once you find someone who makes life enjoyable, it makes life go by 10x faster." I see a small smile appear on her face and I immediately realize she's thinking about Scott.

After the past months, I've finally seen how close they were before she was a hybrid. They really were meant for each other.

"You'll be okay, Ali." She silently nods.

"Will you be okay?"

I thought about it for a couple of seconds. Truthfully, I don't think I'll be okay for a while. But I guess as long as he's happy then I'm happy for him.


Hey guys. This was more of just a filler chapter and Lydia and stiles finally gave birth!!!! I'm so happy cause I've dreamed of their children for so long and how cute of a family they would be.

But sadly this book is coming to an end and I can't say how much I've appreciated all of you guys supporting me and reading. Writing is one of my many passions and it clears my mind. I just can't wait for the upcoming chapters cause everything is finally gonna come full circle for Haley.

I love you guys so much.

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