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Before driving home for the night Theo had to make a pit stop. I look out the window as he drove trying to wonder where he was taking us

"I trust you okay? You can't tell anyone about this." He states as he glances over to me then returning his gaze back on the road.

"Theo you can trust me," I say looking at his blue eyes as he drives.


We enter the tunnels for the 2nd time of the day. I groan, getting my boots wet once again as Theo grabs my hand and leads the way as we walk.

"You owe me a new pair of boots," I say and he chuckles glancing down at them.

"Noted." He says as we walk up to a secret passage I didn't even realize was there. He opened the door and as he walked in my eyes widened as I realized what I'm looking at.

The operating theatre

As we walk in we see a nervous Hayden standing there with her arms folded. As I look closer I see him on the ground with something wrapped around his arm.


I lowly growl as I start walking towards the man sitting on the ground. He glances up at me with his red eyes.

"Haley Anderson what a surprise to see you again." He says and I see Theo and Hayden both look at me.

"Tell me, how's Derek doing? Still killing his betas?" He says and I flick out my claws about to rip out his throat as Theo grabs me and holds me back.

"Don't you ever talk about Derek," I say as I try and get out of Theo's grip.

"I'm guessing you're still mad for almost killing him and then killing his betas. So sorry about that." Deucalion says not caring. I hear Theo huff and he turns his gaze to Hayden.

"I said it was for emergencies only," Theo says, still glaring at Hayden. He lets his grip loosen on me as he can feel me start to un tense.

"I had an emergency," Hayden says looking at me, then Theo.

"Don't worry Theo. A little dissension in the ranks is perfectly healthy. Did you find what you were looking for?" Deucalion asks and I move to try and get to him but Theo's grip tightens on me again.

"No. But I think I found something better." He says loosening the grip then pulling something out from the bag he was carrying while we were walking here. I didn't ask what it was. He pulls out the mask I told him not to bring. I look at him disappointed as Hayden looks at it as anxiety reeks off of her.

"A way to answer the question." Theo continues and I look at the mask. It did not look safe whatsoever and definitely needed some better coloring than a rusty brown look.

"Who is the Beast?" Deucalion states and I look at Theo and the mask. I see him then turn his gaze to the painting inside the cracked wall. I admire it and realize it was the Hellhound and the Beast fighting over a pile of dead bodies.


"I thought you said you weren't gonna bring it with you?" I state as we finally get back to my apartment. The ride home was silent and awkward. I didn't know what to ask considering I was already pissed off enough at what he's done.

"Listen Haley it'll help us find out who the Beast is and then we can kill it." He says as he takes off his jacket and throws in on the couch. I take off my boots and undo my ponytail instantly feeling relief.

"Oh and so you can steal its power of course," I say rolling my eyes and recalling Stiles's earlier comment. I hear him sigh and he sits down at the edge of my bed. I stand directly in front of him with my arms crossed.

"I was gonna tell you." He says with a low voice.

"But you didn't."

"I have a good reason."

"Oh great let's hear your amazing reason why you wanna steal power from a beast that's been alive for 200 plus years," I say loudly to Theo and he runs a hand through his hair.

"Haley, I want power. I'm not a full werewolf and it's annoying knowing that I won't ever be one. At least doing this can make me have as much strength and power as one." He states looking up at me. I sigh and sit down next to him.

"Theo these people, Scott, Stiles, Liam, Lydia, Kira, Malia they all brought me in and made me feel welcome. I don't want you hurting them anymore. It's my pack, Theo." I say to him and he nods. He grabs my face and gently kisses me. He pulls back and looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm taking you out this weekend." He says and a smile erupts on my face.

"As a date?" I ask and he nods his head yes. I get all giddy and blush. He laughs at me and gives me a kiss on my forehead before getting up and he starts getting changed.

"Well Mr. Raeken I'm gonna hop in the shower if you need me and I'll be back down in a little," I say while heading up the stairs.

"Okay!" I hear him yell up.

After a couple minutes I finally get all done feeling relieved after being in the tunnels almost all night. I walk back down to see Theo on my bed reading one of my family's old books.

"What are you doing?" I say happily as I jump on the bed sitting next to him.

"Just reading about your family and how cool it is." He says as he stupidly grins. I shake my head.

"It is I just wish everyone I've lost didn't have to leave," I say sighing and he nods his head at me.

"Okay but let's see those new bright red eyes."

He says smiling trying to cheer me up. I smirk as I close my eyes and feel my eyes start glowing. I open my eyes and stare directly at his blue orbs. I see him smile as his eyes turn a bright golden. I laugh before feeling my eyes turn back to its normal color just like Theo's.

We both laid down and got under the covers together. My head resting on his chest as he gently strokes my still-damp hair.

"Goodnight hales." He sleepily says.

"Goodnight Theo," I say back to him before my eyes take me away to dreamland.

Basically, this chapter was just a quick filler and it was supposed to wrap up the episode 'Lie Ability' sorry I know it was short but I promise I'm gonna post another chapter tonight hopefully🥰

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