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Eventually, Malia and Liam finally arrived at the station and brought me clothes

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Eventually, Malia and Liam finally arrived at the station and brought me clothes. They were both very happy to see me, I had to force Liam to let go of me. After taking a shower I felt semi better but the burning, aching feeling was still all around my body.

Lydia helped me back into the sheriff's office to where everyone else was at. She carefully put me down on the couch but the pain shot through my leg and I winced.

She gave me apologetic eyes and I gave her a smile and motioned for her to go over with the rest of the group. I looked around the room and my eyes caught a girl sitting down in a chair. She wasn't there before and it caught my curiosity.

Lydia had tried filling me in on everything when she was helping me get dressed. A lot has apparently happened since the last time I remember.

"I'm not letting them out." Sheriff Stilinski starts as he slams down a file with a picture of the boy and girl that were tied up with Theo. "We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people." He continues.

"Hunters." Scott tries to defend.

"People, Scott. Self-defense or not they're still here, the other guys are dead. And there's a process I have to follow." Stilinski replies. I wince in pain as I try and maneuver myself in a more comfortable position on the couch.

"Yeah, but you know what's happening around here it's not safe for them." Scott tries to convince Stilinski but it doesn't seem to be working.

"This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills. At least I can protect them here." I hear Stilinski say in a louder tone.

I hear Lydia's voice chime in. "Would Stiles think that?" She questions to the group and Stilinski. My ears perked up at the name. I missed him a lot and I haven't talked to him in two weeks.

"Especially if one of your Deputies is working for Gerard?" Malia says as her voice also chimes in right behind Lydia's.

"I'm not buying that. I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their brothers, and sisters." Stilinski defends as everyone turns their head so they could peek out the windows to the deputies. "I know who they are and I trust them." He finishes.

I sigh as I lay down on the couch. The pain felt as worse than ever and it was almost unbearable. I close my eyes to try and take my mind off of it. Tuning everyone else out I imagine the pain not being there anymore, hoping that me imagining it would actually take it away.

A couple of minutes pass, tuning everyone out. I heard the new girl talk but I couldn't make out what she or anyone else was saying.

The room filled with silence as a bright light shined in through the window, making me squint my eyes. I open them and see everyone standing around, confused.

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