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"Is everyone okay?" I ask worried as I run a hand through my hair and pace back and forth through my apartment

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"Is everyone okay?" I ask worried as I run a hand through my hair and pace back and forth through my apartment.

"Lydia's in surgery, Mason just got out of surgery, and my mom and dad are doing okay. We called Deucalion and he's gonna meet Malia and me at my house." Scott replies over the phone. I sigh a breath of relief but guilt runs through my body.

Last night most of the pack was at Scott's house trying to figure out our next move on what we could do. Then someone shot up the house leaving Lydia, Mason, Melissa, and Scott's dad all with a bullet wound.

I sigh wishing I was there so I could've helped to protect all of them. "Scott, I'm so sorry. I should've been there." I admit, the guilt overtaking.

Lydia was my best friend and she has always been there for me and the one time she needed me I wasn't there. I couldn't protect her when she needed it. Mason and Melissa have both been there for me too and they definitely didn't deserve this. Melissa stayed with me when my father died and made sure I was okay.

The phone goes silent for a couple of seconds before he finally talks again. "Haley listen to me, it's okay. We couldn't have known this was gonna happen so don't feel guilty." I hear him say with a soft tone. I know what he is feeling like right about now and it's definitely not a good feeling. He probably had guilt all around his body since he couldn't protect the people closest to him.

"Just get to Liam. He's at the school and I know for a fact his anger is probably sky high right now." Scott says and I nod my head even though he can't see me.

"Will do," I reply. I go silent for a couple of seconds as well as Scott. "Scott, please be careful." I practically beg.

"I will." He replies one final time before hanging up the phone.

I walk towards my bed and throw my phone down on the bed before sitting on the edge with my elbows resting on my thighs and my hands covering my face.

I take a deep breath, now knowing there was basically nothing I could do besides make sure Liam doesn't go on a killing spree.

"Is everyone okay?" I hear Theo ask and I look up from my hands and see him coming down the stairs with wet hair.

"Yeah, thank god. Scott asked me to go to the school and find Liam. Wanna come?" I ask as he walks closer to me.

"Yeah, I'll come." He says and then inspects my face. His eyebrows furrow and he realizes something was wrong with me.

He sighs before grabbing my arms and throwing them over his shoulders and around his neck to make me get up from my spot. His arms wrap around my waist and hugs me tightly so I feel secure.

"Princess, there was nothing you could've done to try and prevent it. It's not your fault, we all had no idea it was gonna come." He tries to make me feel better. I know there wasn't anything I could do but it still feels bad. Kinda like survivor guilt.

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