This Is My Story

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Sometimes in life, you just don't know what's gonna happen

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Sometimes in life, you just don't know what's gonna happen. Some paths you take could lead to happiness. Some lead you down a dark road filled with sadness and regret. Then finally you have the ones that lead you to death.

Personally, I don't really know if I believe in heaven or hell. Either you find peace with all of your loved ones or you're stuck in a fiery cage with little demons poking at you. But the idea of death terrified me.

What really happens after you die?

Supposedly after you die you still have 7 minutes of brain activity left. Those 7 minutes are left to have a slideshow in your mind of your life. Kinda creepy if you ask me. But in those 7 minutes, you relieve some of your saddest and happiest moments with the people you love most.

But after those 7 minutes what do you do? Do you go into the bright light or do you try and fight it some more and not succeed and face the reality that you're dead?

When you're alive you don't think of it much since you're too busy living life. But as you grow older the idea starts to come into your mind more often. Then eventually it's all you can think of until it finally happens. But you don't really know it's gonna happen until the seconds before.

The seconds you're looking into the person you love most's eyes. Until they're begging you not to leave them but you have no control over it. And you finally say one last thing to them and you regret every fight you've had or argument. Those moments of fighting you could've been spending more time together and loving each other.

It's the hardest thing looking into their eyes as tears streamed down their face and their cheeks flushed red. Then once it feels like everything is getting better you finally close your eyes for a final time as their cry's fade away.

So how did I get led down this path? Trust me I'm just as confused as you.


"Lydia, don't move!" I try to yell to her but gunshots filled the air making everything extremely difficult to hear.

Peter looks to me and gives me a short nod before running to the other side of the alley to get more coverage. I look past the pillar I was hiding behind and a bullet immediately skidded last my face and I pulled my head back behind the pillar.

I should definitely not do that again.

"Malia!" Scott yells and I immediately become worried that Malia had gotten hit with a bullet. I peek over again for a quick second and see she's okay.

I look over and see a hunter with a gun aimed directly at Scott. "Scott!" I yell but the sound of tires screeching drew my attention away from Scott and back to the hunter.

A familiar-looking Jeep plowed right into the hunter. I looked to the driver's seat and saw my favorite spazz attack driving with a smile on his face.

Comatose (Theo Raeken)Where stories live. Discover now