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I chuckle as Derek slowly takes away the knife from my hand

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I chuckle as Derek slowly takes away the knife from my hand. "Oh, come on. You've been going at it for about 8 hours. You're gonna give up now?" He puts the knife on the table and leans against the counter.

Luckily only he and Liam were still in the room. Apparently, Scott and Theo couldn't take it anymore.

"Haley, we can end all of this right now. You're just being stubborn." I look over to Liam who was standing with his arms crossed.

"What about you, baby beta. Got an opinion on this?" I smirk and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I miss the old you. The one who would take me out on little dates to just laugh and have fun. Not some murderous version of you." He finally speaks up.

"Well, kid, get used to this version. She's not going anywhere. Also, Der, you mind if I get a little blood. The last time I had was before this torture started." I quirk an eyebrow and turn back to Derek.

"Yeah, no."

I roll my eyes and scoff. "So you're gonna deprive me of food. How original." I mumble and try and yank outta the ropes again. But still, it failed.

"You can think about life for a little. We'll be back later." Derek motions for Liam to follow as they both exit the room.

I smile and simply nod as they walk out of the room and out of my sight of vision. I quickly start trying to get out of the ropes again but it just burns and doesn't do anything.

"You're causing yourself to hurt more, just putting that out there, bro." My ears perk up at the sound of the voice. "We talked about this. Remember what I whispered to you when you were about to leave?" I turn to my side and see the brunette sitting there with crossed arms.

"Maddie, how the hell are you here?" I ask confused and slightly concerned. Was I dying all over again and I didn't know?

"That's beside the point, Hale. Remember what I told you?" She asks again and her bright brown eyes are dark, like she's disappointed.

"Find an anchor when you get back. Make Theo your anchor and I promise you'll be okay." She whispered in my ear as more tears fell down my face.

"Yes, I fucking remember."

She chuckles and walks in front of me, with her arms still crossed. "Then why didn't you do it? Haley, he's your everything and you know that. The sole reason you came back as a hybrid was for him!" She yells and motions to the outside of the room.

"Yeah, well look at how well that fucking worked out, Maddie!" I yell and stare directly at her eyes. Something inside of me felt like it was cracking and I hated it. "It didn't save me, and it's especially not gonna save me this time!" I see tears prick her eyes and she sighs. She bends down in front of me and looks up at me.

"Haley, your dad doesn't want this for you, and especially Brady. They sent you back here for a reason, to have the life you wanted." Her eyes are begging me to stop all of this. But deep down nothing I knew would be the same. Everything would be different.

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